The 12th chapter of John's Gospel gives the account of the end of Christ's public ministry. There are six separate sections in this chapter. Mary anoints Jesus at Bethany, Jews plot to kill Lazarus, The triumphal entry of Jesus on a donkey to Jerusalem, The Greeks seeking Jesus, Jesus predicts His crucifixion, Jesus came to save the world and emerges as the true messiah. It was Passover feast time and added attraction to all that was taking place.Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, where a dinner was arranged in the house of Simon the leper to thank Jesus for what He has done(Matt 26:6-13).There we see Martha and Mary at their best serving and worshiping Christ. Mary anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. It was a costly perfume perhaps saved for her wedding. This was her act of love, devotion and gratitude to the Lord. It also shows her humility and faith in the Lord. It was a timely act that was pleasing to the Lord. When Judas was critical of the generosity of Mary, Jesus rebuked Judas. Critical spirit can crush the heart of others. God demands worship from us and it is costly. Jesus said she will be remembered where ever the gospel is preached. Nothing is wasted if it is given to the Lord and the house was filled with fragrance. Many believed on Jesus after seeing what He had done to Lazarus. So the religious leaders wanted to kill Lazarus. Believers should expect hostility because this world is not our home, we are just passing through.
Next day(Sunday)Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. In the old testament donkey is a symbol of peace and horse symbol of war. It was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9.There was spontaneous outpouring of praise from the pilgrims, singing Hosanna to Christ. Thus they acknowledge Jesus as the king of Israel who comes to save them(Ps 118:25,26).The disciples understood the significance of this only after ascension of Christ. Pharisees responded to this by saying " the whole wold has gone after Jesus".
Now the attention is turned from Jews to the Greeks. Greeks proselytes came to Philip, may be he had a Greek name and said "Sir, we want to see Jesus".He consulted with Andrew and they approached Jesus with their request. Faced with all attention Jesus said "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified". He was talking about His death and said His death will produce a rich spiritual harvest. In His humanity Christ experienced agony as He approached His death. .But He desired to glorify His Father through His death on the cross. He received the testimony from the Father that His Name has been glorified. He did it through His public ministry and death. Then Jesus said "When I am lifted upon the cross,I will draw everyone to myself".Jesus is the savior of the world. He is the one who suffered the judgement of sin for us. He defeated Satan on the cross(1 Cor 15:54-57).So let us lift Him up by our words and life so that others would be saved. Jews failed to believe that their Messiah would die. Jesus warned them that they should receive Him as the light of the world. The light would soon be removed and darkness would come upon them.
In spite all the miracles and warnings they believed Him not. They rejected what they saw and believed not what they heard. It was prophesied by Isaiah(Is 6:5-12). God wanted them to believe their Messiah. But unbelief and hardness of hearts prevented them from being converted. Many leaders believed on Christ but were unwilling to confess Him for fear of the leaders.They loved the praise from men more than the prise from God. This was Christ final message to Israel. He came not to judge the world but to save. Those who reject His word will be judged by the same word in the last day. His words are life everlasting. Is Jesus you Savior?
May God help us to know Him personally and worship Him sincerely!!
Next day(Sunday)Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. In the old testament donkey is a symbol of peace and horse symbol of war. It was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9.There was spontaneous outpouring of praise from the pilgrims, singing Hosanna to Christ. Thus they acknowledge Jesus as the king of Israel who comes to save them(Ps 118:25,26).The disciples understood the significance of this only after ascension of Christ. Pharisees responded to this by saying " the whole wold has gone after Jesus".
Now the attention is turned from Jews to the Greeks. Greeks proselytes came to Philip, may be he had a Greek name and said "Sir, we want to see Jesus".He consulted with Andrew and they approached Jesus with their request. Faced with all attention Jesus said "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified". He was talking about His death and said His death will produce a rich spiritual harvest. In His humanity Christ experienced agony as He approached His death. .But He desired to glorify His Father through His death on the cross. He received the testimony from the Father that His Name has been glorified. He did it through His public ministry and death. Then Jesus said "When I am lifted upon the cross,I will draw everyone to myself".Jesus is the savior of the world. He is the one who suffered the judgement of sin for us. He defeated Satan on the cross(1 Cor 15:54-57).So let us lift Him up by our words and life so that others would be saved. Jews failed to believe that their Messiah would die. Jesus warned them that they should receive Him as the light of the world. The light would soon be removed and darkness would come upon them.
In spite all the miracles and warnings they believed Him not. They rejected what they saw and believed not what they heard. It was prophesied by Isaiah(Is 6:5-12). God wanted them to believe their Messiah. But unbelief and hardness of hearts prevented them from being converted. Many leaders believed on Christ but were unwilling to confess Him for fear of the leaders.They loved the praise from men more than the prise from God. This was Christ final message to Israel. He came not to judge the world but to save. Those who reject His word will be judged by the same word in the last day. His words are life everlasting. Is Jesus you Savior?
May God help us to know Him personally and worship Him sincerely!!