Sunday, April 1, 2012

"I am the resurrection and the life"!!

A casual reader of the Gospels will accept the fact that Jesus performed many miracles. Only one who is equal with God could perform such mighty works. The eleventh chapter of John's Gospel gives a split screen view of the resurrection Lazarus. This the last miracle Jesus did before crucifixion and the highest point in His public ministry.Mary and Martha sent the message to Jesus that Lazarus was dying. Shortly after that Lazarus died and the body was buried the same day. Jesus responded by saying that this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God. Some time God permits sickness and death in order to reveal His glory. In this case the greater glory was manifested by raising Lazarus than healing him.  Why Jesus who loves them delayed His going and allowed them to go through such difficulty?. Why God permits suffering in our lives? God's presence in this fallen and sinful world does not mean that terrible things would not happen.  David said" it is good for me that I have been afflicted to learn His statues"(Ps 119:71). He allows sufferings to discipline us. Chastening is a training process by which we are warned of our failures and wake us up from spiritual slumber(He 12:11). Also it is for God's glory(John 9:3).God allows suffering not just  for our own good but that we may be able to comfort  others.(2Cor 1:3,4).What should be our attitude towards those who suffer?As Christians we should be willing to help them what ever way we can. Pray for them and be around them. Allow the scripture to comfort them and let the suffering do it's purpose(Jam 1:2-4). God always has some thing better for us.

Jesus delayed two days longer  to go Bethany. He never yielded to human pressure but did all things according to Father's timetable. His timing always brings the best result. Those who are in the will of God do not stumble.  Jesus said Lazarus has fallen asleep.For believers death is often referred as sleep. So by death they enter into a restful conscious life in heaven(Phi 1:23).  At last Jesus arrived  at the home of Mary and Martha  in Bethany.He loved this home and because he felt home there with His friends. Here Jesus did the greatest miracle, raising Lazarus. Mary anointed feet of Jesus here.  From here Jesus made His triumphal entry to Jerusalem.Here we see Martha at her best serving Jesus and Mary worshiping her Lord. Here Jesus assured the grieving Martha that her brother will rise again. Here Jesus made His fifth of the seven "I am" claims. "I am the resurrection and the life".Death is not the last word in the christian vocabulary. Christians may go through death but they will also experience resurrection  when Christ returns (1 Cor 15:54). When Jesus saw Mary weeping He was  deeply moved  in His spirit and wept. This shows His humanity, love and concern for His people. He suffered emotionally and physically to deliver us from sin and death(Heb 2:14,15; 5:7).He is our great high priest who can sympathize with us in our weaknesses(Heb 4:15,16).This offers us comfort and confidence in Lord.

Jesus came to to the tomb and ordered the someone to roll away the stone.  Jesus said to Martha "if you believe you would see the glory of God". World says "show us, then we believe". God says" believe then you would see the glory". Jesus thanked the Father for hearing His prayer. He wanted that the people may believe that Father hast sent Him. Then with a loud voice Jesus said "Lazarus come forth". Lazarus came forth still bound by the grave cloths. Jesus said loose him, let him go. Here we see the picture of a believer made alive in Christ but still bound by the grave cloth of flesh. They need to be set free to serve the Lord. Christ  is able to set us free as we continue in His word(John 8:31,32).  Because of this miracle  many believed in Christ. But the Jewish leaders became angry and planned to kill Jesus. Even the high priest said "Jesus must die so that the nation will live". It was a prophecy about the substituonary death  Christ  going suffer soon. With this incident Christ removed Himself from the public view.  Jesus claimed the closest possible relation with the Father. So Knowing Christ is to know God(John 8:19; 14:7). To see Christ is to see God(John 12:45;14:9). To receive Jesus is to receive God(Mk 9:37).To honor Christ is to honor God(John 5:23).  Do you know this wonderful savior?