Monday, April 30, 2012

Jesus is the Vine, we are the Branches!!

John's Gospel chapter 15 is all about  Christian relationship. Relationship with Jesus(15:1-11)with one another(15:12-17)and our relationship with the world(15:18-27).Jesus described Himself as the True Vine  and we are the branches. We did not choose Him, but he chose us and appointed us that we should bear fruit and not the other way. Jesus is the life giver. He is the living water,the bread of life and the source of eternal life. Life only flows from Him,  never the other way around. Christians cannot bear fruit unless they have an abiding relationship with the True Vine, Jesus Christ. We become the branches by our new birth, when we believe in Christ Jesus. The connection between  Jesus, the vine and us, the branches, are invisible but real. When we abide or remain in Christ we become fruitful. God the Father is the Gardner and He prunes the branches to bear more fruit.Father cleanses Christians who are bearing fruit to bear more fruit. Cleansing is painful but produces fruit of righteousness and peace(Heb 12:6-11).But every branch that does not bear fruit, He takes away.This verse does not mean that believer can loose his salvation. It should be understood contextually with the exit of Judas Iscariot.We become fruitful as a result of His Word and His love(15:7,10).

As we depend on Christ and guided by His word, our lives will be filled with the fruit of the Spirit(Gal 5:22).We do not  bear fruit in order to be accepted. We abide in Jesus and bear fruit, out of our gratitude for having been chosen.Some one said the secret of fruit bearing is abiding, the secret of abiding is obeying, the secret of obeying is loving  and the secret of loving is knowing.  To those who abide in Him, Christ promises much fruit, answered prayer, love and joy. Jesus said "you are my friends if you obey me". We do not earn  His love or forgiveness.They are given freely. His friendship towards us is constant and real. He does not threaten us to stop loving when we fail, but simply draws us back to Him. What a Savior!. Christ commands us to love one another as He loved us. It is not an emotional feeling but a sacrificial act of giving. Jesus calls His disciples friends. They were chosen and appointed to bring forth fruit. Are we the fruit bearing Christians? Do we love one another?

Christs said that the world would hate us. The world system is under the control of Satan and it can love only those who are of the world. Christians are chosen out of the world and they should expect persecution from the world. We are not of this world, we just passing through. The world rejects us because it rejected Christ and do not know the Father who sent the Son. Even through Christ has performed many miracles among Jews, they rejected Him. They are without excuse for their sin. In fact their rebellion and hatred were fulfilling of  the Old Testament prophecy(Ps 69:4). Christ promised the disciples that they are not alone in this world. He will send the Helper, the Holy Spirit to guide them in all truth and give them the power to bear witness of Christ. Is our life productive, fulfilling and joyful in Christ?  May God help us!!