John gives the account of our Lord's private ministry from chapter 13 to 17. During this time He limited His ministry to His disciples. This is the third division of John's Gospel. This is also known as the upper room discourse. The purpose of this was to prepare and encourage the disciples for His departure. The disciples are the followers of Christ. They are of great value as the treasured gift from the Father. Jesus Knew that His appointed time had come for Him to leave His disciples and this world. Having loved them,He loved them to the full extend. Jesus said that "The Son of Man came here not to be served but to serve and to give my live as a ransom for many"(Mark 10:45).Except Jesus none appealed others to follow their model. He is the pattern for us to follow. Jesus practiced what He preached. He demonstrated the ministry of a servant to His disciple(13:1-20).The scene was the last supper and Jesus longed to fellowship with His disciples. But they arrived there arguing among themselves as to who would be the greatest in the coming kingdom(Luke 22:24).
In Jesus time, foot washing was a practical necessity since the roads were dusty and dirty. Usually servants used to wash the feet of guest. The disciples were too proud to perform this menial task.So the all powerful Lord was about to wash His disciples' feet. By this lowly act Jesus demonstrated that true greatness is the greatness of serving others. This was a graphic illustration of Christ's humility, love and compassion.Peter could not bear the humiliation and prevented Jesus from washing his feet. Peter was only thinking about physical washing. There are two kinds of washing for believers. One is at the time of our salvation(Titus 3:5).We also need daily washing since our feet get dirty in this sinful world.(1 John 1:7-9).But disciples did not get this message. Jesus said "If then your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.Christ did not institute an ordinance of foot washing.Only baptism and the Lord's supper are the two ordinances given to the New Testament Church. They acknowledged Jesus as their Lord and Teacher. He is the sovereign and the teacher whom they should follow. Jesus said that true joy and blessing come only when we practice a life of humility by serving one another.What is our motivation for service? We should not expect recognition down here(e Lk 17:7-10).We should serve other from a grateful heart. When we arrive the other side of eternity we would hear from our Master"Well done, good and faithful servant".
Jesus warned that a betrayer was among His inner circle(Ps 41:9).The disciples had no clue who that will be, and were very sorrowful. He did not identify him by name but by giving him a piece of bread,dipped in sauce,which was a token of friendship. Even in betrayal, the Lord loved Judas and given given a chance to repent.But Judas was possessed by Satan and he went out to betray Jesus.And it was night. Judas plunged into the darkness of the blackness of sin. He was remorseful but not repentant(Matt 27:3-5). Godly sorrow will lead us into repentance, which realign us with the will and purpose of God. With the exit of Judas, Jesus knew that His death is at hand and by His death He will glorify the Father(Jn 17:4).He also knew that the Father will glorify the Son by resurrection and ascension.
Christ commands them " to love one another just as I have loved you".It is a new command because Christ fave a new definition to the old command by His death on the cross for His enemies(Lev 19:18; Rom 5:8).It is the sacrificial love that Christ manifested. Jesus said " by this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.It is not through the purity of our theology and knowledge of scripture but by our love for others we make a difference in this world. The disciples had different personalities and temperaments.The primary role of the Holy Spirit is to assist them to love each other and bring unity among them. That is the only way they could impact the world with the gospel.
Jesus predicts Peter's denial.Peter wanted to be with Christ where He is going. Jesus said to Peter "you can't follow me now, but you will follow afterward". Peter was ready to die for Christ. Jesus knew all about Peter and predicted that he will deny Him three times before rooster crows. Perhaps Jesus wanted to teach Peter that He should find his confidence in the Lord rather than in himself.The Lord know Peter's strength and weaknesses.He who began a good work in Peter will complete the work he started.(John 21:17).This is true in our life also(Phi 1:6). May God help us to remain faithful to Him and love one another!!
In Jesus time, foot washing was a practical necessity since the roads were dusty and dirty. Usually servants used to wash the feet of guest. The disciples were too proud to perform this menial task.So the all powerful Lord was about to wash His disciples' feet. By this lowly act Jesus demonstrated that true greatness is the greatness of serving others. This was a graphic illustration of Christ's humility, love and compassion.Peter could not bear the humiliation and prevented Jesus from washing his feet. Peter was only thinking about physical washing. There are two kinds of washing for believers. One is at the time of our salvation(Titus 3:5).We also need daily washing since our feet get dirty in this sinful world.(1 John 1:7-9).But disciples did not get this message. Jesus said "If then your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.Christ did not institute an ordinance of foot washing.Only baptism and the Lord's supper are the two ordinances given to the New Testament Church. They acknowledged Jesus as their Lord and Teacher. He is the sovereign and the teacher whom they should follow. Jesus said that true joy and blessing come only when we practice a life of humility by serving one another.What is our motivation for service? We should not expect recognition down here(e Lk 17:7-10).We should serve other from a grateful heart. When we arrive the other side of eternity we would hear from our Master"Well done, good and faithful servant".
Jesus warned that a betrayer was among His inner circle(Ps 41:9).The disciples had no clue who that will be, and were very sorrowful. He did not identify him by name but by giving him a piece of bread,dipped in sauce,which was a token of friendship. Even in betrayal, the Lord loved Judas and given given a chance to repent.But Judas was possessed by Satan and he went out to betray Jesus.And it was night. Judas plunged into the darkness of the blackness of sin. He was remorseful but not repentant(Matt 27:3-5). Godly sorrow will lead us into repentance, which realign us with the will and purpose of God. With the exit of Judas, Jesus knew that His death is at hand and by His death He will glorify the Father(Jn 17:4).He also knew that the Father will glorify the Son by resurrection and ascension.
Christ commands them " to love one another just as I have loved you".It is a new command because Christ fave a new definition to the old command by His death on the cross for His enemies(Lev 19:18; Rom 5:8).It is the sacrificial love that Christ manifested. Jesus said " by this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.It is not through the purity of our theology and knowledge of scripture but by our love for others we make a difference in this world. The disciples had different personalities and temperaments.The primary role of the Holy Spirit is to assist them to love each other and bring unity among them. That is the only way they could impact the world with the gospel.
Jesus predicts Peter's denial.Peter wanted to be with Christ where He is going. Jesus said to Peter "you can't follow me now, but you will follow afterward". Peter was ready to die for Christ. Jesus knew all about Peter and predicted that he will deny Him three times before rooster crows. Perhaps Jesus wanted to teach Peter that He should find his confidence in the Lord rather than in himself.The Lord know Peter's strength and weaknesses.He who began a good work in Peter will complete the work he started.(John 21:17).This is true in our life also(Phi 1:6). May God help us to remain faithful to Him and love one another!!