We read the last supper passage in John's Gospel chapter 13 to 17. Jesus rebuked the disciple's lack of humility by washing their feet. They were told that one of them will betray Him soon. Peter had been rebuked. They were challenged to love one another in His absence. They were told that He was going to leave them soon. The disciples felt troubled and uncertain about their future. Yet Jesus told them to not be troubled, then give them hope and comfort to their hearts.Jesus said to them "let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me"(John 14:1). He wanted them to believe the scripture which speaks of His crucifixion and resurrection. They were told that they can believe God's Word because it never changes(Matt 24:35).Then Jesus gave the reason for His departure. He is going to prepare for them a permanent home in heaven. Your troubles and trials are only temporary. Here the emphasis is not the place but the person of Christ. You will be in the presence of the Lord where there is no more fear, pain, sorrow and separation. Jesus will personally come to escort us to the Father's house.This is our blessed, comforting and encouraging hope(Titus 2:13; 1 Thess 4:18) Also it is our purifying and challenging hope. This hope would motivate us to serve our Lord (1 Jn 3:3; 2:28). Heaven is not a place to plead our case of merits but a prepared place for prepared people. There are not many ways to enter heaven. In verse 6, Jesus made it impossible for us to believe in Him as one of many ways to get to heaven.This exclusive claim of Jesus is hated by many in this pluralistic world. It sounds good but not true. If we don't believe that Jesus is the only way, we don't believe in one of Jesus'central I Am claims. "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".
Jesus did not say "I know the way, or I will lead you to the way. But He said, I am the way". He is the way or no way at all(Jn 10:9).No one can enter heaven by force or by good works but only by believing in Christ.Jesus is the embodiment of the ultimate truth(Jn 8:32). He is also the source of life. He gives life by imparting the Holy Spirit in us and enabling us to have fellowship with the Father. Spiritual life speaks of the quality of life in relationship with God.To know Christ is to know the Father. His words and works show the unique relationship between the Father and the Son. Christ promised that disciples would be able to do greater work. When Christ's work was limited to a small geographical area, disciples would be able to reach the world with the gospel. They are able to do that because of the intercession. answered prayers and by the power of the Holy Spirit. The motive of our prayer should be God's glory and not self glorification. Our prayer should be in agreement with the character and desire of Christ. We should pray in Christ's name. Prayer is an antidote for discouragement.
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to His discouraged disciples. Holy Spirit is the comforter, helper and the counselor. He is the one who comes along side to help us in our needs. Christ would go away but the Holy Spirit will be with us for ever. He is the third person in the trinity. He has the same quality and character of Christ. We see the three persons of Godhead in the baptism of Christ, in the mode of believer's baptism, in the creation account and in the benediction( Matt 3:16-17;Matt 28:19; Gen 1:26; 2 Cor 13:14).Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth who would guides us into all truth. He dwells in us and with us. He is involved in the inspiration of the Scripture and the rebirth of believers( 2 Tim 3:16; Jn 3:6).All believers have the Holy Spirit and never a time when we get more of Him(Rom 8:; Gal 4:6).. But He gets more of us as we live in obedience to Christ. Holy Spirit makes the Scripture alive in us.
Disciples are not left as orphans since Christ is with them through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Those who love the Lord will obey Him and they will enjoy fellowship with Christ and the Father. Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and cause them to remember the things Christ had taught them.That was fulfilled in the writing of the New Testament. Christ promised His peace to His troubled disciples. This peace is different from the peace the world offers. As we turn over our fear to God and live in obedience to Him, we can enjoy this peace as our Lord enjoyed when he went to the cross in obedience to the Father. Christ willingly went to the cross in obedience to the Father. He is the sinless Son of God, and Satan had no claim on Him. Are you troubled in your hearts?Are you fearful of the future? Christ's presence in our life does not mean an absence of problems. Christ has promised us to carry us through this troubled world. So come to Him in faith and in prayer!!
Jesus did not say "I know the way, or I will lead you to the way. But He said, I am the way". He is the way or no way at all(Jn 10:9).No one can enter heaven by force or by good works but only by believing in Christ.Jesus is the embodiment of the ultimate truth(Jn 8:32). He is also the source of life. He gives life by imparting the Holy Spirit in us and enabling us to have fellowship with the Father. Spiritual life speaks of the quality of life in relationship with God.To know Christ is to know the Father. His words and works show the unique relationship between the Father and the Son. Christ promised that disciples would be able to do greater work. When Christ's work was limited to a small geographical area, disciples would be able to reach the world with the gospel. They are able to do that because of the intercession. answered prayers and by the power of the Holy Spirit. The motive of our prayer should be God's glory and not self glorification. Our prayer should be in agreement with the character and desire of Christ. We should pray in Christ's name. Prayer is an antidote for discouragement.
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to His discouraged disciples. Holy Spirit is the comforter, helper and the counselor. He is the one who comes along side to help us in our needs. Christ would go away but the Holy Spirit will be with us for ever. He is the third person in the trinity. He has the same quality and character of Christ. We see the three persons of Godhead in the baptism of Christ, in the mode of believer's baptism, in the creation account and in the benediction( Matt 3:16-17;Matt 28:19; Gen 1:26; 2 Cor 13:14).Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth who would guides us into all truth. He dwells in us and with us. He is involved in the inspiration of the Scripture and the rebirth of believers( 2 Tim 3:16; Jn 3:6).All believers have the Holy Spirit and never a time when we get more of Him(Rom 8:; Gal 4:6).. But He gets more of us as we live in obedience to Christ. Holy Spirit makes the Scripture alive in us.
Disciples are not left as orphans since Christ is with them through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Those who love the Lord will obey Him and they will enjoy fellowship with Christ and the Father. Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and cause them to remember the things Christ had taught them.That was fulfilled in the writing of the New Testament. Christ promised His peace to His troubled disciples. This peace is different from the peace the world offers. As we turn over our fear to God and live in obedience to Him, we can enjoy this peace as our Lord enjoyed when he went to the cross in obedience to the Father. Christ willingly went to the cross in obedience to the Father. He is the sinless Son of God, and Satan had no claim on Him. Are you troubled in your hearts?Are you fearful of the future? Christ's presence in our life does not mean an absence of problems. Christ has promised us to carry us through this troubled world. So come to Him in faith and in prayer!!