Monday, April 30, 2012

Jesus is the Vine, we are the Branches!!

John's Gospel chapter 15 is all about  Christian relationship. Relationship with Jesus(15:1-11)with one another(15:12-17)and our relationship with the world(15:18-27).Jesus described Himself as the True Vine  and we are the branches. We did not choose Him, but he chose us and appointed us that we should bear fruit and not the other way. Jesus is the life giver. He is the living water,the bread of life and the source of eternal life. Life only flows from Him,  never the other way around. Christians cannot bear fruit unless they have an abiding relationship with the True Vine, Jesus Christ. We become the branches by our new birth, when we believe in Christ Jesus. The connection between  Jesus, the vine and us, the branches, are invisible but real. When we abide or remain in Christ we become fruitful. God the Father is the Gardner and He prunes the branches to bear more fruit.Father cleanses Christians who are bearing fruit to bear more fruit. Cleansing is painful but produces fruit of righteousness and peace(Heb 12:6-11).But every branch that does not bear fruit, He takes away.This verse does not mean that believer can loose his salvation. It should be understood contextually with the exit of Judas Iscariot.We become fruitful as a result of His Word and His love(15:7,10).

As we depend on Christ and guided by His word, our lives will be filled with the fruit of the Spirit(Gal 5:22).We do not  bear fruit in order to be accepted. We abide in Jesus and bear fruit, out of our gratitude for having been chosen.Some one said the secret of fruit bearing is abiding, the secret of abiding is obeying, the secret of obeying is loving  and the secret of loving is knowing.  To those who abide in Him, Christ promises much fruit, answered prayer, love and joy. Jesus said "you are my friends if you obey me". We do not earn  His love or forgiveness.They are given freely. His friendship towards us is constant and real. He does not threaten us to stop loving when we fail, but simply draws us back to Him. What a Savior!. Christ commands us to love one another as He loved us. It is not an emotional feeling but a sacrificial act of giving. Jesus calls His disciples friends. They were chosen and appointed to bring forth fruit. Are we the fruit bearing Christians? Do we love one another?

Christs said that the world would hate us. The world system is under the control of Satan and it can love only those who are of the world. Christians are chosen out of the world and they should expect persecution from the world. We are not of this world, we just passing through. The world rejects us because it rejected Christ and do not know the Father who sent the Son. Even through Christ has performed many miracles among Jews, they rejected Him. They are without excuse for their sin. In fact their rebellion and hatred were fulfilling of  the Old Testament prophecy(Ps 69:4). Christ promised the disciples that they are not alone in this world. He will send the Helper, the Holy Spirit to guide them in all truth and give them the power to bear witness of Christ. Is our life productive, fulfilling and joyful in Christ?  May God help us!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Comfort For Troubled Hearts

We read the last supper passage in John's Gospel chapter 13 to 17. Jesus rebuked the disciple's lack of humility by washing their feet. They were told that one of them will betray Him soon. Peter had been rebuked. They were challenged to love one another in His absence. They were told that He was going to leave them soon. The disciples felt troubled and uncertain about their future. Yet Jesus told them to not be troubled, then give them hope and comfort to their hearts.Jesus said to them "let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me"(John 14:1). He wanted them to believe the scripture which speaks of His crucifixion and resurrection. They were told that they can believe God's Word because it never changes(Matt 24:35).Then Jesus gave the reason for His departure. He is going to prepare for them a permanent  home in heaven. Your troubles and trials are only temporary. Here the emphasis is not the place but the person of Christ. You will be in the presence of the Lord where there is no more fear, pain, sorrow and separation. Jesus will personally come to escort us to the Father's house.This is our blessed, comforting and encouraging hope(Titus 2:13; 1 Thess 4:18) Also it is our purifying and challenging hope. This hope would motivate us to serve our Lord (1 Jn 3:3; 2:28). Heaven is not a place to plead our case of merits but a prepared place for prepared people. There are not many ways to enter heaven. In verse 6, Jesus made it impossible for us to believe in Him as one of many ways to get to heaven.This exclusive claim of Jesus is hated by many in this pluralistic world. It sounds good but not true. If we don't believe  that Jesus is the only way, we don't believe in one of Jesus'central I Am  claims. "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

Jesus did not say "I know the way, or I will lead you to the way.  But He said, I am the way". He is the way or no way at all(Jn 10:9).No one can enter heaven by force or by good works but only by believing in Christ.Jesus is the embodiment of the ultimate truth(Jn 8:32). He is also the source of life. He gives life by imparting the Holy Spirit in us and enabling us to have fellowship with the Father. Spiritual life speaks of the quality of life in relationship with God.To know Christ is to know  the Father. His words and works show the unique relationship between the Father and the Son. Christ promised that disciples would be able to do greater work. When Christ's work was limited to a small geographical area, disciples would be able to reach the world with the gospel. They are able to do that because of the intercession. answered prayers and by the power of the Holy Spirit.  The motive of  our prayer should be God's glory and not self glorification. Our prayer should be in agreement with the character and desire of Christ. We should pray in Christ's name. Prayer is an antidote for discouragement.

Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to His discouraged disciples. Holy Spirit  is the comforter, helper and the counselor. He is the one who comes along side to help us in our needs. Christ would go away but the Holy Spirit will be with us for ever.  He is the third person in the trinity. He has the same quality and character of Christ. We see the three persons of Godhead in the baptism of Christ, in the  mode of believer's baptism, in the creation account and in the benediction( Matt 3:16-17;Matt 28:19; Gen 1:26; 2 Cor 13:14).Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth  who would guides us into all truth. He dwells in us and with us.  He is involved in the inspiration of the Scripture and the rebirth of believers( 2 Tim 3:16; Jn 3:6).All believers have the Holy Spirit and never a time when we get more of Him(Rom 8:; Gal 4:6).. But He gets more of us as we live in obedience to Christ. Holy Spirit makes the Scripture alive in us.

 Disciples are not left as orphans since Christ is with them through  the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Those who love the Lord will obey Him and they will enjoy fellowship with Christ and the Father. Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and cause them to remember the things Christ had taught them.That was fulfilled in the writing of the New Testament. Christ promised His peace to His troubled disciples. This peace is different from the peace the world  offers. As we turn over our fear to God and live in obedience to Him, we can enjoy this peace as our Lord enjoyed when he went to the cross in obedience to the Father. Christ willingly went to the cross in obedience to the Father. He is the sinless Son of God, and Satan had no claim on Him.  Are you troubled in your hearts?Are you fearful of the future? Christ's presence in our life does not mean an absence of problems. Christ  has promised us to carry us through this troubled world. So come to Him in faith and in  prayer!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

As I have Loved You, You Also Are To Love One Another!!

John gives the account of our Lord's private ministry from chapter 13 to 17. During this time He limited His ministry to His disciples. This is the third division of John's Gospel. This is also known as the upper room discourse. The purpose of this was to prepare and encourage the disciples for His departure. The disciples are the followers of Christ. They are of great value as the treasured gift from the Father. Jesus Knew that His appointed time had come for Him to leave His disciples and this world. Having loved them,He loved them to the full extend. Jesus said that  "The Son of Man came here not to be served but to serve and to give my live as a ransom for many"(Mark 10:45).Except Jesus none appealed others to follow their model. He is the pattern for us to follow. Jesus practiced what He preached. He demonstrated the ministry of a servant to His  disciple(13:1-20).The scene was the last supper and  Jesus longed to fellowship with His disciples. But they arrived there arguing among themselves as to who would be the greatest in the coming kingdom(Luke 22:24).
In Jesus time, foot washing was a practical necessity since the roads were dusty and dirty. Usually servants used to wash the feet of guest. The disciples were too proud to perform this menial task.So the all powerful Lord was about to wash His disciples' feet. By this lowly act Jesus demonstrated that true greatness is the greatness of serving others. This was a graphic illustration of Christ's humility, love and compassion.Peter could not bear the humiliation  and prevented Jesus from washing his feet. Peter was only thinking about physical washing. There are two kinds of washing for believers.  One is at the time of our salvation(Titus 3:5).We also need daily washing since our feet get dirty in this sinful world.(1 John 1:7-9).But disciples did not get this  message. Jesus said "If then your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.Christ did not institute an ordinance of foot washing.Only baptism and the Lord's supper are the two ordinances given to the New Testament Church. They acknowledged  Jesus as their Lord and Teacher. He is the sovereign and the teacher whom they should follow. Jesus said that true joy and blessing come only when we practice a life of humility by serving one another.What is our motivation for service? We should not expect recognition down here(e Lk 17:7-10).We should serve other from a grateful heart. When we arrive the other side of eternity we would hear from our Master"Well done, good and faithful servant".

Jesus warned that a betrayer was among His inner circle(Ps 41:9).The disciples had no clue who that will be, and were very sorrowful. He did not identify him by name but by giving him a piece of bread,dipped in sauce,which was a token of friendship. Even in betrayal, the Lord loved Judas and given given a chance to repent.But Judas was possessed by Satan and he went out to betray Jesus.And it was night. Judas plunged into the darkness of the blackness of sin. He was remorseful but not repentant(Matt 27:3-5). Godly sorrow will lead us into repentance, which realign us with the will and purpose of God. With the exit of Judas, Jesus knew that His death is at hand and by His death He will glorify the Father(Jn 17:4).He also knew that  the Father will glorify the Son by resurrection and ascension.

Christ commands them " to love one another just as I have loved you".It is a new command because Christ fave a new definition to the old command by His death on the cross for His enemies(Lev 19:18; Rom 5:8).It is the sacrificial love that Christ manifested. Jesus said " by this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.It is not through the purity of our theology and knowledge of scripture but by our love for others we make a difference in this world. The disciples had different personalities and temperaments.The primary role of the Holy Spirit is to assist them  to love each other and bring unity among them. That is the only way they could impact the world with the gospel.

 Jesus predicts Peter's denial.Peter wanted to be with Christ where He is going. Jesus said to Peter "you can't follow me now, but you will follow afterward". Peter was ready to die for Christ. Jesus knew all about Peter and predicted that he will deny Him three times before rooster crows.  Perhaps Jesus wanted  to teach Peter that He should find his confidence in the Lord rather than in himself.The Lord know Peter's strength and weaknesses.He who began a good work in Peter will complete the work he started.(John 21:17).This is true in our life also(Phi 1:6). May God help us to remain faithful to Him and love one another!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Jesus said "When I am lifted up from the earth,will draw all people to myself"

 The 12th chapter of John's Gospel gives the account of the end of Christ's public ministry. There are six separate sections in this chapter. Mary anoints Jesus at Bethany, Jews plot to kill Lazarus, The triumphal entry of  Jesus on a donkey to Jerusalem, The Greeks seeking Jesus, Jesus predicts His crucifixion, Jesus came to save the world and emerges as the true messiah. It was Passover feast time and added attraction to all that was taking place.Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, where a dinner was arranged in the house of Simon the leper to thank Jesus for what He has done(Matt 26:6-13).There we see Martha and Mary at their best serving and worshiping Christ. Mary anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. It was a costly perfume perhaps saved for her wedding. This was her act of love, devotion and gratitude to the Lord. It also shows her humility and faith in the Lord. It was a timely act that was pleasing to the Lord.  When Judas was critical of the generosity of Mary, Jesus rebuked  Judas. Critical spirit  can crush the heart of others. God demands worship from us and it is costly. Jesus said she will be remembered where ever the gospel is preached. Nothing is wasted if it is given to the Lord  and the house was filled with fragrance. Many believed on Jesus after seeing what He had done to Lazarus. So the religious leaders wanted to kill Lazarus. Believers should expect hostility because this world is not our home, we are just passing through.

Next day(Sunday)Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. In the old testament donkey is a symbol of peace and horse symbol of war.  It was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9.There was spontaneous outpouring of praise from the pilgrims, singing Hosanna  to Christ. Thus they acknowledge Jesus as the king of Israel who comes to save them(Ps 118:25,26).The disciples understood the significance of this only after ascension of Christ. Pharisees responded to this by saying " the whole wold has gone after Jesus".

Now the attention is turned from Jews to the Greeks. Greeks proselytes came to Philip, may be he had a Greek name and said "Sir, we want to see Jesus".He consulted with Andrew and they approached Jesus with their request. Faced with all attention Jesus said "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified". He was talking about His death and said His death will produce a rich spiritual harvest. In His humanity Christ experienced agony as He approached His death. .But He desired to glorify His Father through His death on the cross. He received the testimony from the Father that His Name has been glorified. He did it through His public ministry and death. Then Jesus said "When I am lifted upon the cross,I will draw everyone to myself".Jesus is the savior of the world. He is the one who suffered the judgement of sin for us. He defeated Satan on the cross(1 Cor 15:54-57).So let us lift Him up by our words and life so that others would  be saved. Jews failed to believe that their Messiah would die. Jesus warned them that they should receive Him as the light of the world. The light would soon be removed and darkness would come upon them.

In spite all the miracles and warnings they believed Him not. They rejected what they saw and believed not what they heard. It was prophesied by Isaiah(Is 6:5-12). God wanted them to believe their Messiah. But  unbelief and hardness of hearts  prevented them from being converted.  Many leaders believed on Christ but were unwilling to confess Him for fear of the leaders.They loved the praise from men more than the prise from God. This was Christ final message to Israel. He came not to judge the world but to save. Those who reject His word will be judged by the same word in the last day. His words are life everlasting. Is Jesus you Savior?
May God help us to know Him personally and worship Him sincerely!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"I am the resurrection and the life"!!

A casual reader of the Gospels will accept the fact that Jesus performed many miracles. Only one who is equal with God could perform such mighty works. The eleventh chapter of John's Gospel gives a split screen view of the resurrection Lazarus. This the last miracle Jesus did before crucifixion and the highest point in His public ministry.Mary and Martha sent the message to Jesus that Lazarus was dying. Shortly after that Lazarus died and the body was buried the same day. Jesus responded by saying that this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God. Some time God permits sickness and death in order to reveal His glory. In this case the greater glory was manifested by raising Lazarus than healing him.  Why Jesus who loves them delayed His going and allowed them to go through such difficulty?. Why God permits suffering in our lives? God's presence in this fallen and sinful world does not mean that terrible things would not happen.  David said" it is good for me that I have been afflicted to learn His statues"(Ps 119:71). He allows sufferings to discipline us. Chastening is a training process by which we are warned of our failures and wake us up from spiritual slumber(He 12:11). Also it is for God's glory(John 9:3).God allows suffering not just  for our own good but that we may be able to comfort  others.(2Cor 1:3,4).What should be our attitude towards those who suffer?As Christians we should be willing to help them what ever way we can. Pray for them and be around them. Allow the scripture to comfort them and let the suffering do it's purpose(Jam 1:2-4). God always has some thing better for us.

Jesus delayed two days longer  to go Bethany. He never yielded to human pressure but did all things according to Father's timetable. His timing always brings the best result. Those who are in the will of God do not stumble.  Jesus said Lazarus has fallen asleep.For believers death is often referred as sleep. So by death they enter into a restful conscious life in heaven(Phi 1:23).  At last Jesus arrived  at the home of Mary and Martha  in Bethany.He loved this home and because he felt home there with His friends. Here Jesus did the greatest miracle, raising Lazarus. Mary anointed feet of Jesus here.  From here Jesus made His triumphal entry to Jerusalem.Here we see Martha at her best serving Jesus and Mary worshiping her Lord. Here Jesus assured the grieving Martha that her brother will rise again. Here Jesus made His fifth of the seven "I am" claims. "I am the resurrection and the life".Death is not the last word in the christian vocabulary. Christians may go through death but they will also experience resurrection  when Christ returns (1 Cor 15:54). When Jesus saw Mary weeping He was  deeply moved  in His spirit and wept. This shows His humanity, love and concern for His people. He suffered emotionally and physically to deliver us from sin and death(Heb 2:14,15; 5:7).He is our great high priest who can sympathize with us in our weaknesses(Heb 4:15,16).This offers us comfort and confidence in Lord.

Jesus came to to the tomb and ordered the someone to roll away the stone.  Jesus said to Martha "if you believe you would see the glory of God". World says "show us, then we believe". God says" believe then you would see the glory". Jesus thanked the Father for hearing His prayer. He wanted that the people may believe that Father hast sent Him. Then with a loud voice Jesus said "Lazarus come forth". Lazarus came forth still bound by the grave cloths. Jesus said loose him, let him go. Here we see the picture of a believer made alive in Christ but still bound by the grave cloth of flesh. They need to be set free to serve the Lord. Christ  is able to set us free as we continue in His word(John 8:31,32).  Because of this miracle  many believed in Christ. But the Jewish leaders became angry and planned to kill Jesus. Even the high priest said "Jesus must die so that the nation will live". It was a prophecy about the substituonary death  Christ  going suffer soon. With this incident Christ removed Himself from the public view.  Jesus claimed the closest possible relation with the Father. So Knowing Christ is to know God(John 8:19; 14:7). To see Christ is to see God(John 12:45;14:9). To receive Jesus is to receive God(Mk 9:37).To honor Christ is to honor God(John 5:23).  Do you know this wonderful savior?