There are two incidents we see in the third chapter of John's Gospel. The interview with Nicodemus and the last testimony of John the Baptist.In this chapter the doctrine of new birth or regeneration is explained. Nicodemus came to Jesus by night so that he could personally meet with Jesus. He was convinced that Jesus was a teacher who came from God because of the miracles He did. Jesus did not do miracles to prove that He is God but he did perform miracles because He is God.Satan tempted Jesus by saying "if you are the Son of God command that these stones be made bread(Matt 4:3)." Jesus never had any doubt about His identity and had victory over Satan. Let us be aware of this truth. Nicodemus was a pharisees. He was a very religious person. Also he was a member of religious court Sanhedrin.He was also an influential teacher among the Jews who was waiting for the kingdom of God. We also learn that Nicodemus was a wealthy man and advanced in age(John 19:39).Jesus told Nicodemus that he should be born again to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus knew what was in Nicodemus mind(John2:25). Nicodemus did not understand the nature of the kingdom of God or new birth. He asked how can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again? Christ explained to him the contrast between physical birth and spiritual birth. The flesh produces flesh and the Spirit produces Spiritual life. Nicodemus asked, how can these be?The answer is given in John 3:16. Because God so loved us. Bible teaches that understanding in not a prerequisite for salvation but faith in Christ(Eph 2:8,9).Faith or believing is more than mental agreement(Jam 2:9). Faith is active trust in Christ that He is God and live in obedience to Him. Baptism is not essential for salvation otherwise none of the Old Testament saints including the thief on the cross could be saved.
Why we must be born again? Because the natural man is spiritually dead. Bible says heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked(Jer 17:9).We are at enmity with God and controlled by Satan.We are created in the image of God. Sin deformed us.We try various methods to reform us but still searching for answers. Nicodemus found the answers in Christ Jesus. Bible says only Christ can transform us.
What is regeneration means? It is the initial act of the Holy Spirit, in response to our faith in Christ, imparting divine life is us and making us a part of His family.When we get saved God sends His Spirit to take residence in us to guide and radically change us. Thus we become new creation in Christ(2Cor 5:17).It is not a reformation but a recreation. All three Persons of God-head are in our salvation. We are born again because of the mercy of God the Father(1Pet 1:3). Christ gives us eternal life (John 10:28). Holy Spirit lives in us to guide and empower us(Gal 5:25).To illustrate regeneration, Christ uses two examples. The wind and the brazen serpent Moses lifted up in the wilderness. The source of the wind is God. It is invisible. Yet we feel it's effect. Like wise God is the one who provided the brazen serpent. All those who looked to the serpent found deliverance. So regeneration is entirely an act of God. The joy and peace we experience is the result of regeneration. God uses His Word and His Spirit in our new birth. Those who are born again have a new heart .(Ezk 11:19). They become partakers of divine nature(2Pet 1"4).They are indwelt by the Holy Spirit(Rom 8:9).They are the children of God.(1John 3:1). They obey Christ and practice righteousness(1John 2:3,29). They do not practice sin(1John 3:9). They love fellow Christians(1John 3:14;4:7 They know that biblical love is not a feeling but a choice.They acknowledge God as the source of this love. The extend of this love to all the world. The sacrifice of this love is the giving of His only begotten Son. And the result of this love is that whosoever believe Christ shall be saved(John 3:16). God sent His Son, not to condemned the world but to save those who believe His son. Bible says that those who reject Christ are already under judgement(John 3:36).Bible says many people do not believe in Christ because their deeds are evil and their sins will be exposed. This not an intellectual problem but a moral and spiritual problem.
Lastly in this chapter we read about the last testimony of John the baptist. There was a debate over the baptism of Jesus and the baptism of John the baptist. John did not get involved in this discord because he knew his calling. He knew that he was only a forerunner, sent to bear witness of Jesus Christ. John rejoiced over Jesus' popularity. His desire was that Jesus must increase but I must decrease. John acknowledge that Jesus is from heaven and he is from earth. He baptized with water but Jesus with Holy Spirit. Jesus only can give eternal life.Let us not to be ashamed of the Jesus Christ. Eternal life is sharing the divine life with God and enjoying relationship with Him.Our attitude of faith in Christ should lead to actions of obedience in life. There is no neutrality in this relationship. Either we are with Christ or against Christ. Bible says that those who reject Christ,the wrath of God abides on them. God loves every body and wants all to be saved(2Pet 3:9). God's wrath is His settled indignation towards sin. May God help us to appreciate His love and mercy towards us,
Why we must be born again? Because the natural man is spiritually dead. Bible says heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked(Jer 17:9).We are at enmity with God and controlled by Satan.We are created in the image of God. Sin deformed us.We try various methods to reform us but still searching for answers. Nicodemus found the answers in Christ Jesus. Bible says only Christ can transform us.
What is regeneration means? It is the initial act of the Holy Spirit, in response to our faith in Christ, imparting divine life is us and making us a part of His family.When we get saved God sends His Spirit to take residence in us to guide and radically change us. Thus we become new creation in Christ(2Cor 5:17).It is not a reformation but a recreation. All three Persons of God-head are in our salvation. We are born again because of the mercy of God the Father(1Pet 1:3). Christ gives us eternal life (John 10:28). Holy Spirit lives in us to guide and empower us(Gal 5:25).To illustrate regeneration, Christ uses two examples. The wind and the brazen serpent Moses lifted up in the wilderness. The source of the wind is God. It is invisible. Yet we feel it's effect. Like wise God is the one who provided the brazen serpent. All those who looked to the serpent found deliverance. So regeneration is entirely an act of God. The joy and peace we experience is the result of regeneration. God uses His Word and His Spirit in our new birth. Those who are born again have a new heart .(Ezk 11:19). They become partakers of divine nature(2Pet 1"4).They are indwelt by the Holy Spirit(Rom 8:9).They are the children of God.(1John 3:1). They obey Christ and practice righteousness(1John 2:3,29). They do not practice sin(1John 3:9). They love fellow Christians(1John 3:14;4:7 They know that biblical love is not a feeling but a choice.They acknowledge God as the source of this love. The extend of this love to all the world. The sacrifice of this love is the giving of His only begotten Son. And the result of this love is that whosoever believe Christ shall be saved(John 3:16). God sent His Son, not to condemned the world but to save those who believe His son. Bible says that those who reject Christ are already under judgement(John 3:36).Bible says many people do not believe in Christ because their deeds are evil and their sins will be exposed. This not an intellectual problem but a moral and spiritual problem.
Lastly in this chapter we read about the last testimony of John the baptist. There was a debate over the baptism of Jesus and the baptism of John the baptist. John did not get involved in this discord because he knew his calling. He knew that he was only a forerunner, sent to bear witness of Jesus Christ. John rejoiced over Jesus' popularity. His desire was that Jesus must increase but I must decrease. John acknowledge that Jesus is from heaven and he is from earth. He baptized with water but Jesus with Holy Spirit. Jesus only can give eternal life.Let us not to be ashamed of the Jesus Christ. Eternal life is sharing the divine life with God and enjoying relationship with Him.Our attitude of faith in Christ should lead to actions of obedience in life. There is no neutrality in this relationship. Either we are with Christ or against Christ. Bible says that those who reject Christ,the wrath of God abides on them. God loves every body and wants all to be saved(2Pet 3:9). God's wrath is His settled indignation towards sin. May God help us to appreciate His love and mercy towards us,