Jesus Christ once said " the Son of man is come to seek and save that which was lost"( Lk 19:10). Christ is the master soul winner. In the fourth chapter of John's Gospel we read about the story of the woman of Samaria and how she got saved. Jesus means Savior, He came to save and not to condemn the world. Unlike Nicodemus the woman of Samaria was a pagan, ill reputed,despised,and confused person. She was from a mixed race and Jews had nothing to do with them. Samaritans mixed Jehovah God with heathen gods. Some suggest that they used only the first five books of the Old Testament. Christ decided to go through Samaria. His compassion drove Him to this needy soul. He saw the value of this soul so great and set aside the man made social barrier to go through Samaria. Christ said to her "give me a drink".This surprised her because Jews refused to have any relationship with Samaritans. Jesus offered to her the gift of living water and said one who drinks the water He gives will never thirst. She failed to understand the spiritual meaning of living water and who Jesus was. Understanding is never a requirement for salvation but faith in Christ Jesus.
Christ commanded the woman to call her Husband.She was ready for salvation but her heart should be prepared for sowing the seed. There can be no conversion without conviction of sin and repentance. She admitted her sin and acknowledged that Jesus is a prophet.But she wanted to shift the discussion from moral sin to religion. She is still confused about Jesus and said when Messiah will come He will tell all things. Jesus replied "I am the Messiah"This filled her with hope and faith. Her understanding increased about Jesus from a Jew. then a prophet and finally to Messiah.To understand Christ's teaching one must have a desire to do His will(John 7:17).She became a witness for Christ and not a
shamed of Jesus.She rushed to the village and told the men of Jesus who told her all things she ever did. They came to to see Jesus and requested Him to stay with them for two days. Many believed in Him and acknowledged that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Here we see how the testimony of an unnamed woman can impact others. Sharing the personal testimony is one of the effective method of witnessing.Let us not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
When the disciples returned they saw their Master broke the tradition and speaking to Samaritan woman.
They wanted Him to eat. Christ replied that His meat was to do the will of Father. Jesus reminded them of the urgency of witnessing. Christ was referring to the crowd of Samaritans coming to Him when He said " Lift up your eyes and look on the field, they are ready for harvest"..In the spiritual harvest one sows and another reaps.Here Christ had planted the seed and disciples were ready to reap. Jesus came to bear witness of the Father and His love for mankind. His followers are entrusted with responsibility of becoming the witness of Jesus(Act 1:8). May God give us a passion for souls and fill us with His power to become effective witnesses for Christ.
In this Chapter we read about true worship. Woman wanted to talk about worship. Samaritans worship in mount Gerizim. Jews worship in Jerusalem. Jesus said where we worship is unimportant. God is not indifferent towards the object and the manner of worship. Only God should be worshiped. He desires our worship. The end of witnessing and evangelism is worship of God. The chief occupation of the Church is worship. It is the constant activity on earth and in heaven.Only those who are saved can worship God. They are spiritual made alive, Spirit filled, separated and prepared people of God. worshiping God in Truth and Spirit important. Worship must be sincere, truthful and not in type.Christ the whole truth. New Testament worship is a spiritual worship and not confine to a place like Jerusalem. Believers are the temple of God and we are priest to offer spiritual worship. May our worship be acceptable to God!
We also see in this chapter the healing of Nobleman's son. This happens when Jesus was in Cana. This official came from Capernaum and requested Jesus to heal his son. He thought that Jesus have to come to Capernaum to heal his son. Jesus said to him "go thy way your son lives". The official responded with faith in the word of Christ and not on the miracles.The man went his way and met his servants with the good news that his son is healed. The healing was instantaneous.Faith means to act upon God's promise. The result was that the entire family placed their trust in Christ. This was the second miracle in Cana. Thus Jesus proved that He is the all powerful God. Both miracles produced faith and life among people. May God grant us faith and bring glory to Him by our obedience!
Christ commanded the woman to call her Husband.She was ready for salvation but her heart should be prepared for sowing the seed. There can be no conversion without conviction of sin and repentance. She admitted her sin and acknowledged that Jesus is a prophet.But she wanted to shift the discussion from moral sin to religion. She is still confused about Jesus and said when Messiah will come He will tell all things. Jesus replied "I am the Messiah"This filled her with hope and faith. Her understanding increased about Jesus from a Jew. then a prophet and finally to Messiah.To understand Christ's teaching one must have a desire to do His will(John 7:17).She became a witness for Christ and not a
shamed of Jesus.She rushed to the village and told the men of Jesus who told her all things she ever did. They came to to see Jesus and requested Him to stay with them for two days. Many believed in Him and acknowledged that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Here we see how the testimony of an unnamed woman can impact others. Sharing the personal testimony is one of the effective method of witnessing.Let us not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
When the disciples returned they saw their Master broke the tradition and speaking to Samaritan woman.
They wanted Him to eat. Christ replied that His meat was to do the will of Father. Jesus reminded them of the urgency of witnessing. Christ was referring to the crowd of Samaritans coming to Him when He said " Lift up your eyes and look on the field, they are ready for harvest"..In the spiritual harvest one sows and another reaps.Here Christ had planted the seed and disciples were ready to reap. Jesus came to bear witness of the Father and His love for mankind. His followers are entrusted with responsibility of becoming the witness of Jesus(Act 1:8). May God give us a passion for souls and fill us with His power to become effective witnesses for Christ.
In this Chapter we read about true worship. Woman wanted to talk about worship. Samaritans worship in mount Gerizim. Jews worship in Jerusalem. Jesus said where we worship is unimportant. God is not indifferent towards the object and the manner of worship. Only God should be worshiped. He desires our worship. The end of witnessing and evangelism is worship of God. The chief occupation of the Church is worship. It is the constant activity on earth and in heaven.Only those who are saved can worship God. They are spiritual made alive, Spirit filled, separated and prepared people of God. worshiping God in Truth and Spirit important. Worship must be sincere, truthful and not in type.Christ the whole truth. New Testament worship is a spiritual worship and not confine to a place like Jerusalem. Believers are the temple of God and we are priest to offer spiritual worship. May our worship be acceptable to God!
We also see in this chapter the healing of Nobleman's son. This happens when Jesus was in Cana. This official came from Capernaum and requested Jesus to heal his son. He thought that Jesus have to come to Capernaum to heal his son. Jesus said to him "go thy way your son lives". The official responded with faith in the word of Christ and not on the miracles.The man went his way and met his servants with the good news that his son is healed. The healing was instantaneous.Faith means to act upon God's promise. The result was that the entire family placed their trust in Christ. This was the second miracle in Cana. Thus Jesus proved that He is the all powerful God. Both miracles produced faith and life among people. May God grant us faith and bring glory to Him by our obedience!