In the fifth chapter of John's Gospel we see the account of Jesus healing a man On Sabbath. He was sick for 38 years. It happened near sheep gate, near a pool. The name of the pool was Bethesda means house of mercy. Jesus singled out this man and asked him"do you want to be healed". Jesus saw his need and willing to help him. Jesus said "get up,take up your bed and walk. He knows the fundamental problem he was facing and able to save him. Also He gives the power to break him from his past life and grow spiritually. The man took his bed and walked away.His obedience to Christ's Word brought instant healing in his life. But instead of rejoicing with him Jewish leader were upset because it happened on a Sabbath day.They were more concerned about who told him to carry the bed on Sabbath rather than this poor man was healed. The man did not know who healed him. Later he went to the temple and met Jesus.. Jesus told him since your sins are forgiven he must live in the newness of life. When religions fail to see the need of men Christ is willing and able to meet their needs. He wants that those who are forgiven should live in the newness of life(Phi 2:12).
The Jews in the Jesus' day lived with long list of rules to keep the Sabbath holy. God established Sabbath as a sign of His special covenant relationship with Israel(Ex 31:12_17).Christ ultimately set us free from the law by fulfilling the law.Christ' said from the cross "it is finished"(John 19:30). Now we serve God because we love Him.Sunday is not Christian Sabbath day but a day of remembrance of Christ' death and resurrection. It is a day of rejoicing and reflection on Christ who loved us gave Himself for us. Father and Son may have rested from creation but now they are at work bringing salvation to lost sinners. This salvation is purely by grace through faith(Eph 2:8,9). Once we decide to earn God's favor by rule keeping including Sabbath rather than surrendering to God's grace, then the whole law applies to us(James 2:10). Bible says that "by the deeds of the law no flesh be justified in God's sight(Rom 3:20).
Jesus affirmed His divinity by claiming that He is equal with the Father. He said "My Father never stops working, so why should I?"(John 5:17).Thus He justified the healing of the sick man on Sabbath day.God is the everlasting Father(Is 9:6).Christ was always the Son of God(John 1:1;17:5). we use the word son to describe that he is born from parents. But for Christ the word Son is used to describe the nature of the Father. Only Christ can say whatever Father does Son also does. He said "I and the Father are one"(John 10:30). Unlike us God is distinctively the Father of Christ. Father was never without Son nor Son without Father. This relationship has no beginning or end. All that Father does Son does. Father does not set apart from the Son the raising of the dead and judgment. Father committed all judgment to Son. Father and Son share the same life. If Son is not God we can never know God(John 1:18).Christ deserves equal honor with the Father. He who believes in Christ is passed from death to life. It is noteworthy that Christ gives several witnesses to establish the validity of His claims. It is testified by John the Baptist(33-35), the miracles He did(36), the Father' testimony at baptism (37,38),and the Scripture(39-47). Jews always searched the scripture because they knew that it contained the message of eternal life. They bear witness of Christ. But because of the hardness of their heart they rejected Christ. They sought praises from men rather than from God. Though they had great respect for Moses they did not accept his testimony about Christ(Deut 18:15-18; Lk 24:27).May that not happen in our life. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved(Act 16:31).. May God help us!!
The Jews in the Jesus' day lived with long list of rules to keep the Sabbath holy. God established Sabbath as a sign of His special covenant relationship with Israel(Ex 31:12_17).Christ ultimately set us free from the law by fulfilling the law.Christ' said from the cross "it is finished"(John 19:30). Now we serve God because we love Him.Sunday is not Christian Sabbath day but a day of remembrance of Christ' death and resurrection. It is a day of rejoicing and reflection on Christ who loved us gave Himself for us. Father and Son may have rested from creation but now they are at work bringing salvation to lost sinners. This salvation is purely by grace through faith(Eph 2:8,9). Once we decide to earn God's favor by rule keeping including Sabbath rather than surrendering to God's grace, then the whole law applies to us(James 2:10). Bible says that "by the deeds of the law no flesh be justified in God's sight(Rom 3:20).
Jesus affirmed His divinity by claiming that He is equal with the Father. He said "My Father never stops working, so why should I?"(John 5:17).Thus He justified the healing of the sick man on Sabbath day.God is the everlasting Father(Is 9:6).Christ was always the Son of God(John 1:1;17:5). we use the word son to describe that he is born from parents. But for Christ the word Son is used to describe the nature of the Father. Only Christ can say whatever Father does Son also does. He said "I and the Father are one"(John 10:30). Unlike us God is distinctively the Father of Christ. Father was never without Son nor Son without Father. This relationship has no beginning or end. All that Father does Son does. Father does not set apart from the Son the raising of the dead and judgment. Father committed all judgment to Son. Father and Son share the same life. If Son is not God we can never know God(John 1:18).Christ deserves equal honor with the Father. He who believes in Christ is passed from death to life. It is noteworthy that Christ gives several witnesses to establish the validity of His claims. It is testified by John the Baptist(33-35), the miracles He did(36), the Father' testimony at baptism (37,38),and the Scripture(39-47). Jews always searched the scripture because they knew that it contained the message of eternal life. They bear witness of Christ. But because of the hardness of their heart they rejected Christ. They sought praises from men rather than from God. Though they had great respect for Moses they did not accept his testimony about Christ(Deut 18:15-18; Lk 24:27).May that not happen in our life. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved(Act 16:31).. May God help us!!