In John 6:35, Jesus claims the first of nine "I am" statements, "I am the bread of life"Jesus used this term in order to claim His deity In this chapter we see Jesus is feeding five thousand, walking on the water and His teaching on His claim" I am the bread of life". Bread represents life every where.Jesus made this claim to show that He is the only one who can meet our spiritual hunger. Also He made this claim to prove His deity. This happened at the peak of his popularity across the sea of Galilee. The multitude was impressed by the miracles Jesus performed. He went up to the mountain and saw the multitude. He was moved by compassion and asked Philip how can we feed this multitude. Jesus asked this to test his faith. Philip counted the cost and thought it is impossible. Andrew brings a lad who has five loaves and two fishes. He gave all he had to Christ. Jesus gave thanks and fed the five thousand. Give all you have to Christ. He can bless it and satisfy many. By giving thanks for food, Christ acknowledge that God is the source of all blessings. Jesus asked disciples to collect the left over and there was twelve basket full of bread.We should not waste God's blessings.
Multitude wanted to make Jesus their king. But He withdrew to a mountain to be alone. His kingdom was not of this world(John 18:16). It is so easy for men to seek Christ for the wrong reason. Jesus asked the disciples to go to the other shore of the sea of Galilee. They were hindered by darkness and severe storm. Some times God would allow storms in our life to test our faith and to teach us to trust Him. If we are in the will of God, He will deliver us from it ,some time through it and some time out of it. Disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat. He said to the frightened disciple"It is I,be not afraid". Thus the one who met the need of five thousand now met the need of twelve disciples. Jesus is the present help in times of our need. Some one suggested that there are over 360 time we see the statement "stop being afraid " in the Bible. Immediately the sea became calm and the boat was at land. Thus Jesus demonstrated that He has power over gravity and space.
Jesus is the supreme teacher because in Him hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge(col 2:3). Though He did many miracles, teaching was his main ministry. Some one suggested that at least 45 times Jesus is called the teacher in the gospel account. He seized the opportunities to tech individuals and large crowds. People recognized Jesus as a different kind of teacher from scribes. He taught with authority(Matt 7:28,29).His words were gracious words(Lk 4:22). Never a man spoke like Him(John 7:46).His teaching transformed lives and shaped the course of history. He gave the commission to His disciples to teach and make disciples. His teaching on the bread of life so profound and note worthy.
When people sought Jesus, He welcomed them and said don't seek me for the food that perishes but for the food that endures to eternal life.That food is Christ Himself. People were confused about what they must do to find acceptance with God. Jesus said "this is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom Father has sent. Jews wanted Jesus to perform a miracle. They did not realize that faith based on miracle can easily mislead people. Christ identified Himself as the bread of life. Those who believe in Him will be spiritually satisfied. All that Father gives to Christ will come to Him. Who ever comes to Jesus, He will never cast out. This verse describes God's sovereignty and human responsibility in salvation.To reject Son is to reject the Father.Jews murmured and offended at His teaching. He did not intend for them to eat the flesh and drink the blood. They do not profit anyone. His Spirit that gives life. The word He spoke were spirit and life.Those who believe His word would have life. But unbelief prevented many to believe His words and they left Jesus and no longer walked with Him. Christ now turned to the twelve and said"do you also want to go?"Simon Peter answered Him"Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed and come to know that you are Christ, the Son of the living God. Assurance always follows true salvation. Jesus knows His own. He knew that one among the twelve was a devil. He spoke of Judas Iscariot who was going to betray Him. Do you know this Christ who loved you and gave Himself for you.If your are a believer, do you have the assurance of salvation. May God help us!!
Multitude wanted to make Jesus their king. But He withdrew to a mountain to be alone. His kingdom was not of this world(John 18:16). It is so easy for men to seek Christ for the wrong reason. Jesus asked the disciples to go to the other shore of the sea of Galilee. They were hindered by darkness and severe storm. Some times God would allow storms in our life to test our faith and to teach us to trust Him. If we are in the will of God, He will deliver us from it ,some time through it and some time out of it. Disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat. He said to the frightened disciple"It is I,be not afraid". Thus the one who met the need of five thousand now met the need of twelve disciples. Jesus is the present help in times of our need. Some one suggested that there are over 360 time we see the statement "stop being afraid " in the Bible. Immediately the sea became calm and the boat was at land. Thus Jesus demonstrated that He has power over gravity and space.
Jesus is the supreme teacher because in Him hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge(col 2:3). Though He did many miracles, teaching was his main ministry. Some one suggested that at least 45 times Jesus is called the teacher in the gospel account. He seized the opportunities to tech individuals and large crowds. People recognized Jesus as a different kind of teacher from scribes. He taught with authority(Matt 7:28,29).His words were gracious words(Lk 4:22). Never a man spoke like Him(John 7:46).His teaching transformed lives and shaped the course of history. He gave the commission to His disciples to teach and make disciples. His teaching on the bread of life so profound and note worthy.
When people sought Jesus, He welcomed them and said don't seek me for the food that perishes but for the food that endures to eternal life.That food is Christ Himself. People were confused about what they must do to find acceptance with God. Jesus said "this is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom Father has sent. Jews wanted Jesus to perform a miracle. They did not realize that faith based on miracle can easily mislead people. Christ identified Himself as the bread of life. Those who believe in Him will be spiritually satisfied. All that Father gives to Christ will come to Him. Who ever comes to Jesus, He will never cast out. This verse describes God's sovereignty and human responsibility in salvation.To reject Son is to reject the Father.Jews murmured and offended at His teaching. He did not intend for them to eat the flesh and drink the blood. They do not profit anyone. His Spirit that gives life. The word He spoke were spirit and life.Those who believe His word would have life. But unbelief prevented many to believe His words and they left Jesus and no longer walked with Him. Christ now turned to the twelve and said"do you also want to go?"Simon Peter answered Him"Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed and come to know that you are Christ, the Son of the living God. Assurance always follows true salvation. Jesus knows His own. He knew that one among the twelve was a devil. He spoke of Judas Iscariot who was going to betray Him. Do you know this Christ who loved you and gave Himself for you.If your are a believer, do you have the assurance of salvation. May God help us!!