Jesus loved us and gave Himself for us. That is the Gospel story. But many people do not know the extend of His love for them. Still Jesus loves them to the uttermost. There was never a love like the love of our dying Savior. The extend of His love is revealed in the seven statements of Jesus from the cross. "Jesus said Father forgive them for they do not know what they do"(Lk 23:34). Our Savior was scourged, mocked, beaten and crucified by His enemies. Our suffering Savior was hanging on the cross, abandoned by all and experiencing excruciating pain in His body and soul. His Father's love was beyond His reach on the cross.Yet He was thinking about us and prayed for you and me. Jesus prayed for them when they had no idea about what they are doing to Him(1 Cor 2:8). He prayed for us because He had compassion on us.When we did not desire any one to pray for us, He prayed. .Jesus prayed for our forgiveness and not for our judgement. He wanted our judgement to fall on Him. You may hate Jesus but He loves you to the uttermost. Only those who are forgiven will appreciate the extend of Christ's love. The self righteous are blind to see our Savior's love for them. The greatest sin is the sin against God's love. Yes, Jesus loves us to the end(John 13:1).
Second statement Jesus made from the Cross was "Verily I say unto you, today you shall be with me in paradise"(Lk 23:43). Jesus was nailed to the cross between two thieves. Christ is always in the center and He alone is able to save sinners from any where. One thief railed at Jesus saying if you are Christ save yourself and us. But the other thief rebuked the one railing and said don't you fear God even when you are dying? And he asked Christ for salvation and he received it. He was justified and glorified in the same day. Our salvation is based on Christ's work on the cross and not on our good work(Eph 2:8,9). Salvation is by grace alone, faith alone and Christ alone. Christ loves to save sinners. Today you will be with me in paradise. Saved people are not on probation. We serve Jesus because we love Him. If you are not saved, will you come to Jesus who died for your sins?
John mentions three women who loved the Lord were standing by the cross(John 19:25). one among them was Mary the mother of Jesus. The disciple Jesus loved,John was also there. Jesus saw His mother and said to her "woman behold your son and to John behold your mother(John 19:26,27). Although Mary was His earthly mother, Christ was her Redeemer and Savior. Thus Christ sets an example for us to provide and care for our parents.In this statement we see Christ's humanity and divinity.
The fourth statement Jesus made from the cross was "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?( Matt 27:46)Here we see the high cost of our redemption.From noon until 3:00 P.M. there was darkness. Why Jesus was forsaken?. Because we were not forsaking our sins.Here we see our sin bearer suffering and agonizing for us. Here we see the ugly color of our sin. On the cross Christ endured our hell. Hell is real as cross. It is a place of blackness of darkness.On the cross Jesus bore our sin and suffered our judgement. He was separated from the love of God. .Here where the righteousness and mercy of God met together(Rom 5:8). Also here we see our Savior's total faith in the Father and His plan of salvation.What a picture of hell!!.Will you not flee from hell by receiving Christ today? Those who are saved, let us approach this great God in wonder and worship acknowledging His indescribable love for us. May God help us!!
Second statement Jesus made from the Cross was "Verily I say unto you, today you shall be with me in paradise"(Lk 23:43). Jesus was nailed to the cross between two thieves. Christ is always in the center and He alone is able to save sinners from any where. One thief railed at Jesus saying if you are Christ save yourself and us. But the other thief rebuked the one railing and said don't you fear God even when you are dying? And he asked Christ for salvation and he received it. He was justified and glorified in the same day. Our salvation is based on Christ's work on the cross and not on our good work(Eph 2:8,9). Salvation is by grace alone, faith alone and Christ alone. Christ loves to save sinners. Today you will be with me in paradise. Saved people are not on probation. We serve Jesus because we love Him. If you are not saved, will you come to Jesus who died for your sins?
John mentions three women who loved the Lord were standing by the cross(John 19:25). one among them was Mary the mother of Jesus. The disciple Jesus loved,John was also there. Jesus saw His mother and said to her "woman behold your son and to John behold your mother(John 19:26,27). Although Mary was His earthly mother, Christ was her Redeemer and Savior. Thus Christ sets an example for us to provide and care for our parents.In this statement we see Christ's humanity and divinity.
The fourth statement Jesus made from the cross was "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?( Matt 27:46)Here we see the high cost of our redemption.From noon until 3:00 P.M. there was darkness. Why Jesus was forsaken?. Because we were not forsaking our sins.Here we see our sin bearer suffering and agonizing for us. Here we see the ugly color of our sin. On the cross Christ endured our hell. Hell is real as cross. It is a place of blackness of darkness.On the cross Jesus bore our sin and suffered our judgement. He was separated from the love of God. .Here where the righteousness and mercy of God met together(Rom 5:8). Also here we see our Savior's total faith in the Father and His plan of salvation.What a picture of hell!!.Will you not flee from hell by receiving Christ today? Those who are saved, let us approach this great God in wonder and worship acknowledging His indescribable love for us. May God help us!!