Monday, May 28, 2012

"There they crucified Him"

John's Gospel chapter nineteen gives the account of Jesus's trial before Pilot, crucifixion and the burial. From the human stand point this trial was the greatest crime, tragedy and the mockery of Roman law. But from divine stand point it was the fulfillment of the scripture(Act 2:23). Pilot orders Jesus to be flogged, beaten and insulted. The soldiers tortured and forced the crown of throne on His head.  Pilot presented Jesus before Jews saying that 'behold the man". He hoped that Jews would accept this cruel punishment and spare Jesus from execution. But they chanted "crucify  him, crucify him". Jews were so settled in their conviction but were dreadfully wrong.  Pilot again declared Jesus innocent. Pilot would have stood for his conviction. Pilot asked Jesus" where are you from". But Jesus gave no answer. So Pilot  to Him " to me you don't speak?". Jesus replied "you have mo authority over me unless it had been given from above".  Here we see the truth that earthly ruler can only act when God permits. According to the Roman law Jesus was innocent. But the Jews appealed to the law and said that Jesus is guilty of death since he claimed that He is the Son of God. They said if you let go Jesus, you are not a friend of Caesars and Pilot would be guilty of treason against Rome. So Pilot became more fearful  and their fury frustrated  Pilot to the point that he was willing to compromise his conviction and please the people. His wife also told him to do nothing with this innocent man. Pilot was fearful, confused and spiritually blind. Finally Pilot handed Jesus over to Jews to be crucified. What a tortured situation, knowing the right thing and not able to do it because of fear!

Jesus who was weak, beaten and miserable was made to carry His cross by the soldiers. They crucified Jesus between two thieves at Golgotha. Pilot posted a sign over  the cross that reads "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." The chief  priest demanded that title be changed.  Pilot refused his demand  and said "what i have written, I have written". Each soldier took one garment but they cast lot for the inner garment because it was seamless and woven in one piece from top to bottom. Thus the scripture was fulfilled(Ps 22:18). Thus Christ is now left hanging naked before the angry mob on the cross. There were some women, including His mother standing near the cross. Though women considered as weak were to look weak before the cross. When Jesus saw His mother, He told John to take care of His mother. Christ example teaches that everyone has a responsibility to take care of his parents. Jesus knew that everything was now fulfilled and said"I am thirsty". He hung on the cross, wounded, burning,swollen up, dehydrated  and bearing the sin for us. This is the only time Jesus spoke of His suffering and also to fulfill the prophecy(Ps 22:15).No one knows suffering more than Jesus and He is there to help us when we need it. He became thirsty and died to quench our spiritual thirst.

When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said"it is finished" and gave up His Spirit.That was the greatest announcement of victory ever spoken. The long night of His suffering is over. He finished the task the Father has given to Him(John 17:4).His death was no accident.Jesus died according to the scripture.  He gave His life as a ransom  for our salvation. By His death He  has redeemed us from the bondage of sin, Satan and death( Eph 1:7). He death satisfied the righteous demands of God(Rom 3:25). He died in our place and the greatest exchange ever happened. (2 cor 5:21). When soldiers came to Jesus, they did not  break His legs because Jesus was already dead. One of the soldiers took a spear and pierced His side. These happened  so that the scripture might be fulfilled( Ps 34:20; Zech 12:10). Even the wicked soldiers were involved in fulfilling the plan of God in the death Jesus. Do you know this Savior who loved  and died for you?