The focal point of Christ's earthy life was His death on the cross. The disproportionate chapters in the Gospel account allotted to the final week of His life shows the importance of Christ's death. His death was more than an example of His obedience to His Father. His death was not the death of martyr or a death of political criminal.He died for our sins(Rom 5:8). It was the ransom price paid for our redemption. Jesus died in our place as our substitute(Is 53:6; 2 Cor 5:21). He died to reconcile us to God( 2 Cor 5:18,19). He died to satisfy the righteous demands of God( Rom 3:25). There is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents(Lk 15:10). People are of great value to God. Those who do not know Christ are lost in their sins for ever. Christ paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross for their redemption. He came to seek and save those who are lost. So to be found, one must first admit that he is lost.
We have looked at the first four statements of Christ from the cross in our last study. Today I would like to look at the last three statements. Jesus knew that His end is near. To fulfill the Scripture He said"I am thirsty"(John 19:28). Last six hours He was on the cross, wounded, burning , swollen up and dehydrated. He experienced intense agony for you and me. This is the only time Jesus spoke of His suffering from the cross. He knows what is physical suffering means. So He is able to help us in our suffering. Do you experience pain in your body. So was Jesus .Are you misunderstood and neglected by dear ones. So is Jesus. In our sufferings, no one can help us like Jesus. He was thirty to fulfill the prophecy that was written a thousand years before when crucifixion was known to the world(Ps 22:15). He created heavens and earth. Yet heaven denied Him light and earth denied Him water.They gave Jesus vinegar. The one who is the living water became thirty for us. By His death and resurrection Jesus became the smitten rock from where the living water flowed. Those who believe Him will experience His presence through the Holy Spirit and be satisfied.. The living water will flow from them and they will become blessing to others.
The sixth statement Jesus made from the cross was "It is finished"(John 19:30). He came through intense suffering and agony. The purpose of His human existence was to do the will of the Father. Now that work is completed. This was the greatest announcement of victory ever made. The decisive battle with Satan is over. By His death He destroyed the devil who had the power of death and released those who were living in the fear of death(Heb 2:14,15).Jesus willingly offered Himself to God. His death met all God's righteous demands. Atonement for our sin was paid in full. What He began, He completed and nothing can be added to it. Believers are complete in Him(Col 2:10).
The seventh and the last statement Jesus made from the cross we find in Luke 23:46. " Father into thy hands I commend my spirit". Having said this Jesus gave up the spirit.. Father is the first and the last word Jesus spoke from the cross.He endured hell on the cross for us and came through it. . Now He calls God as Father in triumph. Jesus died on His own free will. He dismissed His spirit with a loud voice. Usually last words of dying people are weak voice. Jesus last word was loud and victorious. The centurion heard it, gloried God and said certainly this was a righteous man(Lk 23:47). No body died like Jesus( Gal 2:20). Cross is important because of who died there for us. Isaac Watts wrote" When I survey the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died". Seeing the cross means, meeting Jesus who died on it. Surveying the cross means, not turning our eyes away from the one who loved us and gave Himself for us. Do you know this great Savior?
We have looked at the first four statements of Christ from the cross in our last study. Today I would like to look at the last three statements. Jesus knew that His end is near. To fulfill the Scripture He said"I am thirsty"(John 19:28). Last six hours He was on the cross, wounded, burning , swollen up and dehydrated. He experienced intense agony for you and me. This is the only time Jesus spoke of His suffering from the cross. He knows what is physical suffering means. So He is able to help us in our suffering. Do you experience pain in your body. So was Jesus .Are you misunderstood and neglected by dear ones. So is Jesus. In our sufferings, no one can help us like Jesus. He was thirty to fulfill the prophecy that was written a thousand years before when crucifixion was known to the world(Ps 22:15). He created heavens and earth. Yet heaven denied Him light and earth denied Him water.They gave Jesus vinegar. The one who is the living water became thirty for us. By His death and resurrection Jesus became the smitten rock from where the living water flowed. Those who believe Him will experience His presence through the Holy Spirit and be satisfied.. The living water will flow from them and they will become blessing to others.
The sixth statement Jesus made from the cross was "It is finished"(John 19:30). He came through intense suffering and agony. The purpose of His human existence was to do the will of the Father. Now that work is completed. This was the greatest announcement of victory ever made. The decisive battle with Satan is over. By His death He destroyed the devil who had the power of death and released those who were living in the fear of death(Heb 2:14,15).Jesus willingly offered Himself to God. His death met all God's righteous demands. Atonement for our sin was paid in full. What He began, He completed and nothing can be added to it. Believers are complete in Him(Col 2:10).
The seventh and the last statement Jesus made from the cross we find in Luke 23:46. " Father into thy hands I commend my spirit". Having said this Jesus gave up the spirit.. Father is the first and the last word Jesus spoke from the cross.He endured hell on the cross for us and came through it. . Now He calls God as Father in triumph. Jesus died on His own free will. He dismissed His spirit with a loud voice. Usually last words of dying people are weak voice. Jesus last word was loud and victorious. The centurion heard it, gloried God and said certainly this was a righteous man(Lk 23:47). No body died like Jesus( Gal 2:20). Cross is important because of who died there for us. Isaac Watts wrote" When I survey the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died". Seeing the cross means, meeting Jesus who died on it. Surveying the cross means, not turning our eyes away from the one who loved us and gave Himself for us. Do you know this great Savior?