Joshua could not lead Israel into the promised land because of their unbelief. Likewise Christians can miss out the spiritual rest or blessings, Christ has already promised. It is the perfect and eternal rest because of the finished work of Christ on the cross. And He lives for ever to make intercession for us(John 17:4; 19:30; Heb 5:9; 7:25). This rest is not a physical rest but the spiritual blessings. We must make every effort to enjoy this rest in Christ Jesus. We will enter into our eternal rest in the New Jerusalem one day. There we will serve Christ and reign forever and ever(Rev 22:1-3).. So author exhorts believers to be diligent in serving Christ now and enter into His rest( Matt 11:28-30; Heb 4:11).
Our Great High Priest is Jesus the Son of God(4:14). He is human and divine. He entered heaven in His humanity and divinity. In His humanity Christ was tempted in all areas of life, yet He did not sin. Christ understands our infirmities so that He can sympathize with us. Therefore the author exhorts us to come boldly to the throne of grace to express our needs. Christ is able to to sympathize with us because He suffered and tempted like us. His victory over sin and temptation was the result of His conscious decision against sin. His throne is not a throne of judgement but of grace.There we can find grace and mercy in times of need. We are in need of His mercy and forgiveness because we all fail in many ways. We also need grace to face temptations and trials in this life(2 Cor 12:9). What a great consolation and encouragement that we have a Great High Priest,who can help us in all our needs!!
God has given us His Word so that we can enter into His promised rest by believing in the great and precious promises of God. It has the power to transform our lives and root out our unbelief. Only the Word of God has the power to convict us of our sins. God knows the secrets of out hearts and His word reveals them(Ps 139:7-12). It reveals the thoughts and intents of our hearts(4:12). This is the God to whom we must give account(4:13).So let us admit our sins before God and seek His forgiveness(2 Sam 12:13). Ask God to spare others from the consequences of our sins(2 Sam 12:16). Let us acknowledge our sins to God and forsake them. He will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1John 1:7-10)
Having completed the comparison between Joshua and Christ, the author exhorts the believers to consider the Christ our Great High Priest. He is the Great High Priest because He has passed through the heavens into the very presence of God and lives for ever(4:14). Every year the Old Testament high priest passed through the veil into the Holy of Holies to make atonement for the sins of Israel(Lev 16) After sprinkling the atoning blood on the mercy seat, he had to leave the Holy of Holies immediately. But Jesus Christ made one sacrifice and entered heaven once for all(Heb 9:28). His sacrifice on the cross was the fulfillment of all Old Testament sacrifices. At that time the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom. Christ is the only High Priest and all believers are priests today(1Pet 2:9). We are exhorted to hold fast on Christ and never stop trusting Him.
Our Great High Priest is Jesus the Son of God(4:14). He is human and divine. He entered heaven in His humanity and divinity. In His humanity Christ was tempted in all areas of life, yet He did not sin. Christ understands our infirmities so that He can sympathize with us. Therefore the author exhorts us to come boldly to the throne of grace to express our needs. Christ is able to to sympathize with us because He suffered and tempted like us. His victory over sin and temptation was the result of His conscious decision against sin. His throne is not a throne of judgement but of grace.There we can find grace and mercy in times of need. We are in need of His mercy and forgiveness because we all fail in many ways. We also need grace to face temptations and trials in this life(2 Cor 12:9). What a great consolation and encouragement that we have a Great High Priest,who can help us in all our needs!!