Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Christ Is Superior In His Humanity!

The theme of the epistle of Hebrews is the superiority of Christ.In chapter one we have seen that Jesus is superior to Prophets and Angels. Hebrew Christians became believers in Christ from a Jewish background. For Jews the concept of a suffering Messiah was inconceivable and  a stumbling block. In chapter two the Author proves that, Christ in His humanity has become our perfect Savior by enduring suffering and death for us(2:5-18). His humanity enabled Him to regain man's lost destiny and dominion(2:5-9). It also enabled Him to bring many sons to glory and restored our lost unity as brothers in the family of God. (2:10-13). His death and resurrection set us free from the fear of death by His victory over Devil(2:14-15).By becoming human Christ has become our sympathetic High priest.(2:16-18).

Christ is superior to angels because the future world will be subjected to Christ and believers. Many consider the " world to come" is a reference to millennial kingdom. God's original plan of creating man was to rule over earth(Gen 1:26-28). But man forfeited his dominion by disobedience. Chapter 2:6-8 is a quote from Ps.8:4-6.Fallen mankind has become subservient to angels for a short time. Now man is subjected to sickness and death. He is bound by time and space. Man is afraid of animal and not reigning over any thing. But God was mindful of him. God has not given up hope for mankind. He thought of us and willing to care for us.This can not be said about angels(2 pet 2:4; Jude. 6). One day man will be crowned with glory and honour.This follows the example Christ, who was made lower than angel for a little while to taste death but glorified through Resurrection and exaltation.  Christ remembered us in our low estate. What a merciful Savior!

Christ became man to suffer and taste death for us. Cross is an essential part of  the plan of salvation. For God to become truly human, He must suffer and die. He was made perfect or fully qualified to bring many sons to glory through suffering.. Christ was always perfect. But by His perfection salvation was not made possible. We are saved through the death of Christ and not by His sinless life.. Here perfect simply means completely qualified to provide salvation. That was only possible  through His suffering and death. On the cross Jesus cried "it is finished". Thus He became the author and finisher of our salvation. He is the captain of our salvation  to bring many sons unto glory.  What a Savior!

Christ's humanity brought us into the Family of God (Heb 2:11-13). Those who received Christ are the sons of the same heavenly Father(John 1:12). Thus believers are united in Christ as brothers in the family of God, Verses 12 and 13 are quotations from Psalm 22:22 and Isaiah 8:17,18.  In Psalm 22, David foresaw the suffering and the coming glory of Christ(22:22). The risen savior called His disciples brethren to show their family relationship(John 20:17). Never before they were addressed this way. His death and resurrection restored our lost unity in the family of God.

Adam's sin brought fear and death into human race(Rom 5:12). We lived as slaves to the fear of dying. Christ's death and resurrection set us free from that fear(Col 2:14,15). Christ conquered death and  the devil by His death and resurrection. Death could not keep Christ in it's grip(Act 2:24). Jesus said because I live you shall also live(John 14:19).Believers are not afraid of death, because in death we at home with the Lord in glory(2 Cor 5:8). Through His death and resurrection, Christ destroyed the devil who had the power of death. The word destroy simply  means made powerless. Christ holds the keys of hell and death(Rev 1:18).

Christ's humanity enabled Him to become our sympathetic High Priest(2:17-18).He did not come to save fallen angels but to save fallen human race. This is the heart of the message of this epistle. Christ was not under any obligation to do that. He came voluntarily to reconcile us to God by becoming a sin offering(1John 2:2). Christ was faithful to the Father, in that  He did not lower God's holy standard.  He endured God's wrath for our sins on the cross.He is also our merciful High priest, in that He died on our behalf.  He is our compassionate High Priest. Compassion is love in action. Christ is able and willing to help us in our temptations because He experience them all yet with out sin. He can fortify our will and strengthen us in our weaknesses.Christ knows exactly how we feel.  He will provide comfort and strength in times of need. What a wonderful Savior! Do you Know Him?