Sunday, June 24, 2012

You Follow Me!!

In the last chapter of John's Gospel we read about our Lord's appearance to seven disciples, the restoration of Peter and the prophecy about the future of Peter, and John the beloved disciple. Jesus appeared again to the disciples by the sea of Galilee.After the resurrection of Jesus, Peter did not know what to do. So  he said I am going for fishing. Though he did not invite them, other disciples volunteered to go with him. There is no indication that Peter intended to return to his old occupation permanently. Beware  that our bad example can influence others negatively. They caught nothing during the night. Peter in particular must have felt worthless as a fisherman. He failed his Lord in the past , now he was a failed fisherman.  Then in the early morning hour they heard a voice from the shore"children, do you have any fish?" They said no. They had no clue who he was. He said "through your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some". They obeyed Him because there was something compelling about this stranger. They caught many fish and could not draw in the net because it was so heavy. Then John  said to Peter "it is  the Lord".How did John recognize Jesus? Because Jesus had done this before(Lk 5:4-11).Immediately Peter jumped in to the water and reached the shore. Other disciples joined Peter. By that time Christ had already prepared a meal consisted of fish and bread for them. Jesus asked them to bring some fish that you have just caught. There were 153 fish, yet the net was not torn. Thus Christ manifested  His glory. Jesus invited them to come and dine. He served them bread and fish. They ate in silence under the weight of their unfaithfulness. What a merciful Savior!

In the following verses we see one of the greatest conversations of restoration in history (21:15-17).  Peter realized he had denied his Lord. And he went out and wept bitterly(Lk 22:62). Peter also knew that Jesus had forgiven him. He denied Jesus three times, now the Lord asks Peter three times about his love for the Lord. The Lord was probing the sincerity of Peter's love. First two times Jesus asked Peter "do you love me with a sacrificial love, God's kind of love(Agapao)? Peter responded with a different word for love(Phileo), which means deep friendship love. Each time Peter responded, Jesus reaffirmed his future ministry by saying, "feed my sheep".Third time Jesus used the same word Peter used for love and asked him do you love me  with friendship love? Peter replied "Lord you know everything, you know that I love you". Thus Peter affirmed his devotion to the Lord before receiving the the call to feed and care for the believers. Jesus is the good Shepherd who gave his life to save us. He is also the good Shepherd who restores the sheep and gives the responsibility. They are the under shepherds. And when the chief Shepherd appears, they will receive the crown of glory for their faithful service(1Pet 5:2-4). We must love God before we can serve Him faithfully. If we love God we long for Him(PS 42:1). Then we love the things He loves and hate what He hates. Those who love the Lord will long for His return. If we love Him we will obey His commandments(John  14:15). Like Peter, you may be tempted to believe that you have failed the Lord and God can never use you in His service again.  Peter, repented  and he was restored.  Come to Christ, He will restore you.  A committed heart leads to committed service.

Jesus' first and the last invitation to Peter was follow me.(Mk 1:17; John 21:19). Following Christ should be a consistent experience. When we fail, be honest with the Lord. He will restore us and use us for His glory. Jesus indicated that Peter will have a long and useful life of service. Peter asked about the future of John. Jesus said  to peter, you just follow me. We must not compare our life with other believer's life. Jesus calls Peter to a life of total commitment to Him. How about you and me? The entire Gospel is the testimony of John about the deity of Jesus Christ. John concludes that he has written only a small portion of all that Jesus did.  Jesus is asking each one of us this question. Do you love me? May God help us to know Jesus personally and follow Him faithfully in the coming days. God bless you all!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Why you seek the living among the dead!!

The death and resurrection of Christ are central to Christianity. Christ died for the sins of the world.  Joseph of Arimathea, a  member of the Sanhedrin asked Pilot  the body of Jesus. He was a devout and brave follower of Jesus. He and Nicodemus, who met Jesus at night, hurried to the cross and tenderly removed  the body  of Jesus. Nicodemus brought about hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes for the burial of Jesus' body. This was equal to the spices fit for the burial of royalty. They carefully wrapped Jesus' body in long strips of cloth mixed in the spices and placed the body in the new tomb that belonged to Joseph of Arimathea.  Thus the prophecy of Isaiah 53:9 was fulfilled in the burial  of Jesus' body.Several women observed this process and knew, where Jesus' body was laid(Lk 23:55).

John's Gospel chapter twenty gives the account of  Jesus' resurrection, His appearance to Mary Magdalene,
His ten disciples and  to Thomas. Also it reveals the purpose of this gospel. The resurrection of Jesus is the essential part of the gospel message. Men have tried to honor their heroes by erecting monuments such as pyramids and Tajmahal for the dead. But the tomb of Jesus remains empty There is nothing comparative to this historical fact. Only Christian faith affirms life, hope and immortality. The resurrection  of Jesus was the climax and conclusion of the gospel narrative. It is the crowning miracle of all miracles. The empty tomb was the theme of the early Church. It is the proof that Jesus is the Son of God(Rom 1:4). Christianity stands or falls on the doctrine of resurrection of Jesus Christ. It has the transforming power to change lives. The tearful Mary Magdalene became the joyful witness of Christ. Fearful disciples became the bold preachers of the Gospel. Doubting Thomas became the confident follower.

The original witnesses of resurrection were women(Mk 16:1).  Early morning  Mary Magdalene went to the tomb with spices to anoint the body of Christ. She was wondering that who would remove the stone at the entrance of the tomb.But nothing could stop her from going to the tomb.There is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear(1 John 4: 18). Mary found that the body is missing. She run to tell the news to Peter and John. . They entered the tomb, and saw that the body is missing, but was not sure about resurrection(20:9).
Mary returned to the tomb after Peter and John left. Jesus revealed Himself to her.She was told to go and tell the good news to other disciples. This command given to Mary is given to all of us. Then Jesus appeared to all disciples (except Thomas) and gave them the great commission."As my father has sent me, even so I send you".  Only God can forgive sin. But God gave them the authority to proclaim the gospel that include the forgiveness of sin.Jesus also appeared to Thomas and shown him the nail prints of His hands. Thomas immediately acknowledged Jesus' Lordship. His doubt has turned to assurance.Jesus told Thomas that "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. What a merciful Savior! Seeing is not believing. Facts are good but faith is better. Those who does not believe, often get stuck in their prideful doubt.

This chapter ends with the purpose of this gospel. The greatest sign found in the gospel is the sign of the resurrection.The empty tomb of Jesus was not hard to prove. If there was a  body in the tomb, it was impossible for the resurrection story to survive. Jews substantiated the fact that tomb was empty because they said disciples have stolen the body of Christ. It was suicidal for disciples to steal the body. where they could hide it?Why they should be killed for it? Women were the first witnesses of this empty tomb. At that time women did not have any voice in that society and were to allowed to bear testimony  in a court of law. Jesus is alive. It is relevant because it answers questions about our past, present and future. There is forgiveness of sin in Him. Our future is secured because He lives. Jesus gives reason for living. Nobody can be neutral to this truth. This Gospel is written so that we may understand the urgency of our choice and believe Christ be saved. Do you know this great Savior? Believe Christ and be saved.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jesus said"I am thirsty"

The focal point of Christ's earthy life was His death on the cross. The disproportionate chapters in the Gospel account allotted to the final week of His life shows the importance of Christ's death. His death was more than an example of  His obedience to His Father. His death was  not the death of martyr or a death of political criminal.He died for our sins(Rom 5:8). It was the ransom price paid for our redemption. Jesus died in our place as our substitute(Is 53:6; 2 Cor 5:21).  He died to reconcile us to God( 2 Cor 5:18,19).  He died to satisfy the righteous demands of God( Rom 3:25). There is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents(Lk 15:10).  People are of great value to God. Those who do not know Christ are lost in their sins for ever. Christ paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross for their redemption. He came to seek and save those who are lost. So to be found, one must first admit that he is lost.

We have looked at the first four statements of Christ from the cross in our last study. Today I would like to look at the last three statements. Jesus knew that His end is near. To fulfill the Scripture He said"I am thirsty"(John 19:28). Last six hours He was on the cross, wounded,  burning , swollen up and dehydrated. He experienced intense agony  for you and me. This is the only time Jesus spoke of His suffering from the cross. He knows what is physical suffering means. So He is able to help us in our suffering. Do you experience pain in your body. So was Jesus .Are you misunderstood and neglected by dear ones. So is Jesus. In our sufferings, no one can help us like Jesus. He was thirty to fulfill the prophecy that was written a  thousand years before when crucifixion was known to the world(Ps 22:15). He created heavens and earth. Yet heaven denied Him light and earth denied Him water.They gave Jesus vinegar. The one who is the living water became thirty for us. By His death and resurrection Jesus became the smitten rock from where the living water flowed. Those who believe Him will experience His presence through the Holy Spirit and be satisfied.. The living water will flow from them and  they will  become blessing to others.

The sixth statement Jesus made from the cross was "It is finished"(John 19:30). He came through intense suffering and agony. The purpose of His human existence was to do the will of the Father. Now that work is completed. This was the greatest announcement of victory ever made. The decisive battle with Satan is over. By His death He destroyed the devil who had the power of death and released those who were living in the fear of death(Heb 2:14,15).Jesus willingly offered Himself to God. His death met all God's righteous demands. Atonement for our sin was paid in full. What He began, He completed and nothing can be added to it. Believers are complete in Him(Col 2:10).

The seventh and the last statement Jesus made from the cross we find in Luke 23:46. " Father into thy hands I commend my spirit". Having said this Jesus gave up the spirit.. Father is the first and the last word Jesus spoke from the cross.He endured hell on the cross for us and came through it. . Now He calls God as Father in triumph. Jesus died on His own free will. He dismissed His spirit with a loud voice. Usually last words of dying people are weak voice. Jesus last word was loud and victorious. The centurion heard it, gloried God and said certainly this was a righteous man(Lk 23:47). No body died like Jesus( Gal 2:20). Cross is important because of who died there for us. Isaac Watts wrote" When I survey the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died".  Seeing the cross means, meeting Jesus who died on it. Surveying the cross means, not turning our eyes away from the one who loved us and gave Himself for us. Do you know this great Savior?

Monday, June 4, 2012

"It Is Finished"

Jesus loved us and gave Himself for us. That is the Gospel story. But many people do not know the extend of His love for them. Still Jesus loves them to the uttermost. There was never a love like the love of our dying Savior. The extend of His love is revealed in the seven statements of Jesus from the cross. "Jesus said Father forgive them for they do not know what they do"(Lk 23:34). Our Savior was scourged, mocked, beaten and crucified by His enemies. Our suffering Savior was hanging on the cross, abandoned by all and experiencing excruciating pain in His body and soul. His Father's love was beyond His reach on the cross.Yet He was thinking about us and prayed for you and me. Jesus prayed for them when they had no idea about what they are doing to Him(1 Cor 2:8). He prayed for us because He had compassion on us.When we did not desire any one to pray for us, He prayed. .Jesus prayed for our forgiveness and not for our judgement. He wanted our judgement to fall on Him. You may hate Jesus but He loves you to the uttermost. Only those who are  forgiven  will appreciate the extend of Christ's love. The self righteous are blind to see our Savior's love for them. The greatest sin is the sin against God's love. Yes, Jesus loves us to the end(John 13:1).

Second statement Jesus made from the Cross was "Verily I say unto you, today you shall be with me in paradise"(Lk 23:43).  Jesus was nailed to the cross between two thieves. Christ is always in the center and He alone is able to save sinners from any where. One thief railed at Jesus saying if you are Christ save yourself and us. But the other thief rebuked the one railing and said don't you fear God  even when you are dying? And he asked Christ for salvation and he received it. He was justified and glorified in the same day. Our salvation is based on Christ's work on the cross and not on our good work(Eph 2:8,9). Salvation is by grace alone, faith alone and Christ alone. Christ loves to save sinners. Today you will be with me in paradise. Saved people are not on probation. We serve Jesus because we love Him.  If you are not saved, will you come to Jesus who died for your sins?

John mentions three women who loved the Lord were standing by the cross(John 19:25). one among them was Mary the mother of Jesus. The disciple Jesus loved,John was also there. Jesus saw His mother and said to her "woman behold your son and to John behold your mother(John 19:26,27). Although Mary was His earthly mother, Christ was her Redeemer and Savior. Thus Christ sets an example for us to provide and care for our parents.In this statement we see Christ's humanity and divinity.

The fourth statement Jesus made from the cross was "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?( Matt 27:46)Here we see the high cost of our  redemption.From noon until 3:00 P.M. there was darkness. Why Jesus was forsaken?. Because we were not forsaking our sins.Here we see our sin bearer suffering and agonizing for us. Here we see the ugly color of our sin.  On the cross Christ endured our hell. Hell is real as cross. It is a place of  blackness of darkness.On the cross Jesus bore our sin and suffered our judgement. He was separated from the love of God. .Here where the righteousness and mercy of God  met together(Rom 5:8). Also here we see our Savior's total faith in the Father and His plan of salvation.What a picture of hell!!.Will you not flee from hell by receiving Christ today? Those who are saved, let us approach this great God in wonder and worship acknowledging His indescribable love  for us. May God help us!!