The eight chapter of the Gospel of John begins with the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. Jesus was teaching in the temple during the feast of tabernacle. The Pharisees brought a woman to Christ who had been caught in adultery to trap Him in His answer. This was their brilliant plan to turn the people against Him. According to law adultery was punishable by death. So testing Jesus they asked "what do you say?" If Jesus let her go, He is guilty of breaking the law. If He passes judgement, they could blame Him breaking the Roman law. Jesus challenged their conscience by saying "let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her". Then Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground. May be Jesus was writing the ten commandments or the sins of those who brought the woman before Him. When the accusers heard this, they all dropped their stones and walked away. The woman left alone before the perfect one and acknowledged Jesus as Lord. Jesus did not condemn her but in His mercy forgave her and said go and sin no more. Following this incident Jesus made His second I Am statement:" I am the light of the world". He shines as the light in the world of darkness and sin. He who follows Him will not walk in sin but have the light of life.
Sin always brings condemnation but God in His mercy forgives our sins. We often focus on other's sin rather than our own sins. We are quick to find fault and slow to forgive. Unforgiving sins can eat away our conscience.There is plenty of forgiveness with Christ for those who come to Him.
Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of light and truth. He speaks truth and treats the same way He treated the woman.When we turn to Jesus the source of truth, we find no condemnation but grace and forgiveness. Religious leaders questioned Christ and refused to believe His claim. They were unteachable which is the greatest pitfalls in life. No one can question the validity of Jesus claims because Father bore witness of Him. His resurrection and Ascension prove that He is the Son of God(Rom1:3). The Word of God testifies of Him(John 5:37-39). His transforming power of life is another evidence of His deity. Pharisees missed their last chance to turn to Him(8:21,22). Refusing to believe in Christ who died for our sin is the unpardonable sin. Confessing Christ today is salvation and confessing Him at the white throne judgement seat is damnation(Phil 2: 11).So chose you today whom you will serve?
Only Jesus can give us freedom from sin. Religious heritage will not give us freedom. The test of true faith and discipleship is abiding in His Word. Abide simple means to stay,obey,or continue in His Word. The closer we
live in obedience, we experience His presence and freedom from sin. Jesus came to bear witness of truth.(John 18:37).Truth is the reality of God.Jesus is the embodiment of truth and grace(John 1:14).Apart from Christ there is no spiritual freedom. He who practice sin is a slave of sin. Jews claimed that Abraham is their Father and they are free.Jesus said"before Abraham existed, I am".He was from eternity and was the great I AM. Also Jesus Said Abraham rejoiced to see My day. Abraham saw in the birth of Isaac the hope of mankind and the promise of the Savior(Gen 12:3). He saw the promise afar off(Heb 11:13). He saw the birth of Messiah in the miraculous birth of Isaac. And Calvary at mount Moriah.. At this point Jews attempted to kill Jesus, but He hid Himself and went out of the temple. Do you know this great Savior who loved us gave Himself for us? May God help us!!.
Sin always brings condemnation but God in His mercy forgives our sins. We often focus on other's sin rather than our own sins. We are quick to find fault and slow to forgive. Unforgiving sins can eat away our conscience.There is plenty of forgiveness with Christ for those who come to Him.
Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of light and truth. He speaks truth and treats the same way He treated the woman.When we turn to Jesus the source of truth, we find no condemnation but grace and forgiveness. Religious leaders questioned Christ and refused to believe His claim. They were unteachable which is the greatest pitfalls in life. No one can question the validity of Jesus claims because Father bore witness of Him. His resurrection and Ascension prove that He is the Son of God(Rom1:3). The Word of God testifies of Him(John 5:37-39). His transforming power of life is another evidence of His deity. Pharisees missed their last chance to turn to Him(8:21,22). Refusing to believe in Christ who died for our sin is the unpardonable sin. Confessing Christ today is salvation and confessing Him at the white throne judgement seat is damnation(Phil 2: 11).So chose you today whom you will serve?
Only Jesus can give us freedom from sin. Religious heritage will not give us freedom. The test of true faith and discipleship is abiding in His Word. Abide simple means to stay,obey,or continue in His Word. The closer we
live in obedience, we experience His presence and freedom from sin. Jesus came to bear witness of truth.(John 18:37).Truth is the reality of God.Jesus is the embodiment of truth and grace(John 1:14).Apart from Christ there is no spiritual freedom. He who practice sin is a slave of sin. Jews claimed that Abraham is their Father and they are free.Jesus said"before Abraham existed, I am".He was from eternity and was the great I AM. Also Jesus Said Abraham rejoiced to see My day. Abraham saw in the birth of Isaac the hope of mankind and the promise of the Savior(Gen 12:3). He saw the promise afar off(Heb 11:13). He saw the birth of Messiah in the miraculous birth of Isaac. And Calvary at mount Moriah.. At this point Jews attempted to kill Jesus, but He hid Himself and went out of the temple. Do you know this great Savior who loved us gave Himself for us? May God help us!!.