The entire ninth Chapter of the Gospel of John illustrates the claim of Jesus that "I am the light of the world"
This passage tells the story of a blind man whose sight was restored by Jesus Christ. Jesus while walking along saw a man born blind. He is always looking for people, Blind man never requested healing yet the Lord healed him. He knows our need and willing to restore us. Meanwhile the disciples asked Jesus a loaded question. Was the blindness a result of the man's sin or his parents' sin?There was a common belief among Jews that physical sickness is the result of sin(Ex 20:5). Jesus replied that his blind is not because of some one's fault but an opportunity for God to display His power. In the case of Job, his friends thought that terrible things happened in his life because he offended God. They were wrong and God Himself settled the issue in Chapter 38 to 41. God some times allows sufferings in believers' life to wake us up(Heb 12:3-11).It show He loves us. He uses suffering to accomplish His purpose in our lives(Act 16, Phil 1:12). God saves some from suffering, some through suffering,and some out of suffering.
Jesus told the blind man "go and wash in the pool of Siloam".Perhaps He chose this method to test his faith and obedience.He responded immediately and was healed. Thus proved that He is the light of the world. He was healed on the Sabbath and making clay on Sabbath was illegal. This cause trouble for the healed man. There was confusion and skepticism about his healing. We should never assume that once we are saved every thing will be okay. He faced skepticism from neighbours and religious leaders. They asked his opinion of Jesus. He responded that He is a prophet. Jews refused to admit that and asked his parents whether their son was born blind. Because they were afraid, they wanted their son to speak for himself. Jews wanted that the man would give glory to God and confess that Christ is a sinner. At that time with unshakable conviction the man responded "I know this , I was blind and now I can see!"Highly educated Pharisees could not keep up with the man who was healed. For him it was not an intellectual issue but a moral spiritual issue. In many ways, believers are like this formerly blind man Once were blinded by Satan to see the glorious light of the gospel (2 Cor 4:4). Bur Christ opened our eyes to see our real need and we responded to Christ. Now we have a story to tell to the nations. We may not be scholars of scripture but like that blind man we can share with others"once I was blind but now I see".
The blind man was excommunicated from the synagogue. But Christ found him and began to meet his needs. He was ready to believe but needs some direction..He responded in faith and worshiped Christ. He started his journey with calling Jesus first a Man(9:11). Then a Prophet(9:17). Then Lord(9:38). Finally Son of Man and worshiped Him. How is our journey of faith progressing? In contempt religious leaders asked Jesus "are we also blind?". Jesus said to them"if you were blind you would have no guilt, but now that you say, we see, so your guilt remains."Christ came to offer light but they chose to remain blind. They failed to understand that all they needed was Christ. Have you ever thanked Jesus for what He has done for you. Have you received sight by believing in Christ. Are we willing to suffer for our faith in Christ?Jesus promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. Will you come to Him to receive forgiveness,strength and comfort for this journey. May God help us!!
This passage tells the story of a blind man whose sight was restored by Jesus Christ. Jesus while walking along saw a man born blind. He is always looking for people, Blind man never requested healing yet the Lord healed him. He knows our need and willing to restore us. Meanwhile the disciples asked Jesus a loaded question. Was the blindness a result of the man's sin or his parents' sin?There was a common belief among Jews that physical sickness is the result of sin(Ex 20:5). Jesus replied that his blind is not because of some one's fault but an opportunity for God to display His power. In the case of Job, his friends thought that terrible things happened in his life because he offended God. They were wrong and God Himself settled the issue in Chapter 38 to 41. God some times allows sufferings in believers' life to wake us up(Heb 12:3-11).It show He loves us. He uses suffering to accomplish His purpose in our lives(Act 16, Phil 1:12). God saves some from suffering, some through suffering,and some out of suffering.
Jesus told the blind man "go and wash in the pool of Siloam".Perhaps He chose this method to test his faith and obedience.He responded immediately and was healed. Thus proved that He is the light of the world. He was healed on the Sabbath and making clay on Sabbath was illegal. This cause trouble for the healed man. There was confusion and skepticism about his healing. We should never assume that once we are saved every thing will be okay. He faced skepticism from neighbours and religious leaders. They asked his opinion of Jesus. He responded that He is a prophet. Jews refused to admit that and asked his parents whether their son was born blind. Because they were afraid, they wanted their son to speak for himself. Jews wanted that the man would give glory to God and confess that Christ is a sinner. At that time with unshakable conviction the man responded "I know this , I was blind and now I can see!"Highly educated Pharisees could not keep up with the man who was healed. For him it was not an intellectual issue but a moral spiritual issue. In many ways, believers are like this formerly blind man Once were blinded by Satan to see the glorious light of the gospel (2 Cor 4:4). Bur Christ opened our eyes to see our real need and we responded to Christ. Now we have a story to tell to the nations. We may not be scholars of scripture but like that blind man we can share with others"once I was blind but now I see".
The blind man was excommunicated from the synagogue. But Christ found him and began to meet his needs. He was ready to believe but needs some direction..He responded in faith and worshiped Christ. He started his journey with calling Jesus first a Man(9:11). Then a Prophet(9:17). Then Lord(9:38). Finally Son of Man and worshiped Him. How is our journey of faith progressing? In contempt religious leaders asked Jesus "are we also blind?". Jesus said to them"if you were blind you would have no guilt, but now that you say, we see, so your guilt remains."Christ came to offer light but they chose to remain blind. They failed to understand that all they needed was Christ. Have you ever thanked Jesus for what He has done for you. Have you received sight by believing in Christ. Are we willing to suffer for our faith in Christ?Jesus promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. Will you come to Him to receive forgiveness,strength and comfort for this journey. May God help us!!