Saturday, September 29, 2012

Warning Against Willful Sin. He 10:26- 39.

In this passage the writer indicates the warning against willful sin. These are the people those who received the knowledge of truth. Knowledge the truth never saves but faith in Christ They identify with the local church but are not born again(1 John 2:19).They disregard the new covenant and the gathering of the believers, and denies Christ as Savior. (10:29). Peter speaks of false prophets and apostates who have knowledge, but not saved(2 Peter 2:20,21).Willful sin is more than yielding to some temptations but a deliberate and presumptuous sin of rejecting Christ. For them, there remains no more sacrifice for sins but to fall into God's hand for fearful judgment(10:31). The author quotes Deuteronomy 32:35-36  to show that willful sin will be judged. The writer argues that, the punishment for despising the grace and mercy of loving God revealed in Christ Jesus will be how sever! The blood of Christ is the instrument by which we are made to share the blessings of the new covenant. Those who regard this "blood" as common, in fact insult the Spirit of grace  and will be judged.This passage does not teach that believers can loose their salvation. Those who teach that believers can loose salvation,  in fact question God's faithfulness and His grace. This passage was intended as a warning to those who made only an outward commitment to the new covenant.

The writer began the practical exhortation in chapter 10:19 to 25. Then we see a solemn warning in verses 26 to 31. Now the warning gives way to encouragement in verses 32-39.They were warned against the danger of apostasy.Now they are told that such will not be their case. He recalls their previous experiences. They faithfully endured great suffering and were exposed to public ridicule. They were beaten and suffered along with those who were in the prison for their faith.When all they owned were taken away from them, they accepted it with joy.They endured all this with a strong and unwavering faith in the eternal inheritance.

The readers are encouraged not to through away their confidence that had sustained them in their trials but patiently endure to the end to receive the promise. The author here quotes Habakkuk 2:4 to reassure to readers of the return of Christ.The life that pleases God is the life of faith. The just shall live by faith.Those who draws back and become apostates, will perish in their sin of not trusting in Christ. The writer
is convinced that the readers have faith that assures their salvation(10:39). Do you have that assurance?

The Superiority of Christ's Sacrifice. Heb 10:1-25

Here the writer shows the contrast between the Levitical priesthood and the priesthood of Christ. Tabernacle was an earthly sanctuary but Christ ministers in a heavenly sanctuary.He ministers under the new covenant of grace rather than one of works. The sacrifice of the day of atonement could not provide fellowship with God. For it was impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins or cleanse the conscience of the worshiper(10:2-4). The old covenant sacrifices were repeated and reminded people of their sins year after year (10:11). They could not take away their sins but only cover until Christ by His own sacrifice made us holy.The author quotes Psalm 40:6-7 here  to show the inadequacy of the old covenant sacrifices  Christ came to do the will of the Father.He came to fulfill the divine will of the Father and take away the first that He may establish the second.  Thus God made us holy by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once for all(10:10). The finality of Christ's sacrifice is evident from the fact that He no longer stands and ministering but is now seated  at the right hand of God. He is our royal high priest. Here the author quotes Jeremiah 31:33-34, to show that the sacrifice of Christ has fulfilled  the promise of the new covenant. So in the sacrifice of Christ we find forgiveness for sin and there is no need for additional offering(10:18).This is the assurance of our faith.

In light of the finished work of atonement by Christ and His high priestly ministry, the author exhorts believers to draw confidently into the presence of God. Only the high priest could enter there under the old covenant. This privilege now belongs to every believer. By His death and resurrection Christ has opened a new and living way for us. When Christ died the veil that separated us was rent from top to bottom (Mark 15:38).He is our living way and the great high priest to the mercy seat, the throne of grace, and to the loving God. Our confidence does rest in Christ who is our mediator before God. In view of such privileges, the writer encourages his readers to draw near to God, with true hearts fully trusting Him. Christ has cleansed our hearts and conscience by His blood(1 Pet 1:2). Our bodies being washed with pure water.This is done by the transforming power of the Word, which the  Holy Spirit applies in us.

The author encourages the readers to hold fast to their faith without wavering in the face of discouragements, doubts,and even unbelief. Because God is faithful in His promises. Also they were  exhorted to show their love towards fellow believers by encouraging one another to abound in good works.They were not to forsake the assembling of believers. They were encouraged to be faithful in the attendance of these meetings for their own good and in light of our Lord's return drawing near(10:25).Fellowship provides encouragement in faith. It gives us a sense of belonging and acceptance that we don't receive from the world. Fellowship allows us to learn from matured believers and gain spiritual wisdom. Also fellowship  helps to discern false teachings.  Young believers are susceptible to false teaching. Healthy teaching is necessary to discern truth from error. Fellowship prepare us to face Christ confidently at His return(1 John 2:28).It encourages us to live an holy life and serve Christ Faithfully. May God help us to appreciate all that He has done for us.Amen.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Superior Priesthood of Christ.Heb 9:1-28

In Hebrews chapter 9, the author shows the superiority of the new covenant over the old covenant. The old covenant under the law of Moses was only a shadow of good things to come.  The author gives a detailed account of the Tabernacle and it's ordinances  to show their inefficiency to cleanse the conscience of the worshiper.Tabernacle was the earthly sanctuary erected in the wilderness where God's presence was visible.
It had two rooms. The outer room was called Holy place and the inner room,  the Holy of Holies. They were separated by a veil.In the Holy place were the golden candlestick, the table of show bread and the alter of incense. Inside the Holy of Holies were the ark of the covenant with it mercy seat  and the cherubim of glory where God's presence was manifested. The Ark contained the table of the covenant, golden pot of manna and the Aaron's budded rod.The author mentions the placing of the golden alter within the Holy of Holies because of it"s close association with the ritual(Lev16). The alter of incense was a type of Christ and His intercessory ministry.

Only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies once a year with the blood of atonement offered for his sins and for the sins of the people(Lev 16).The sin mentioned  here is the unintentional sin(Num 15:27,28). There was no sacrifice for intentional sins(Num 15:30,31; Heb 10:26). The Holy of Holies  was inaccessible to people except the high priest. Therefore fellowship with God was not possible until the death of Christ and the veil was rent from top to bottom. Thus the sacrifices offered under old covenant could not cleanse the conscience of the worshiper.They were temporary ordinances of flesh and not spirit.  Only through Christ we can have perfect fellowship with God.

From verses 11 to 22, the author shows the contrast between the atonement of the law and the atonement of Christ.Christ serves in a greater and perfect tabernacle. The earthly tabernacle was symbolic and temporary. He did not offer the blood of goats and calves but His own life.  Thus He obtained eternal redemption for us.The blood  of bulls and of goats and the ashes of heifer could only cleanse the flesh and not the conscience (Num 19). But the blood of Christ is able to cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the living God(9:13,14). Christ is the mediator of the new covenant and guarantees a  perfect salvation. A covenant is sealed  and made effective by death. So Christ's death was necessary to make the new covenant effective. Under the old covenant the earthly things were cleansed with blood(Ex 24:8). Without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. The author concludes that the heavenly things are to be cleansed by a better sacrifice. Christ instituted the Lord"s Supper by saying"this is My blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the forgiveness of their sins"(Matt 26:28). Let us observe it with reverence.

From verses 23 to 28, we read about three appearances  of Christ. First He came to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. His incarnation was to suffer and die for our sin. Then He entered into heaven itself to appear now before God as our mediator and intercessor. He is able to help us in times of need to enjoy fellowship with God and serve Him(4:16).Unlike the Old covenant, Christ does not have to appear again and again because He put away sin by one sacrifice. Then again he shall appear a second time in power and glory to culminate the salvation for all those who eagerly waiting for Him.  Christ came once  to bear our sin and die for us. Now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation(2 Cor 6:2). It is appointed for all men to die once. After that there is no opportunity for salvation, only the judgment.  Do you know Jesus Christ as your savior?May God help you..

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Christ Offers a Superior Covenant. Heb 8:1-13.

In Hebrews chapter one to seven the author was explaining the person and the qualifications of Jesus Christ, our great high priest. He is superior to prophets and the angels(Chapter 1). He is our great mediator(2:17). Christ is Superior to Moses and Joshua (Chapter. 3  and 4).  He is the divinely appointed and qualified high priest to show sympathy(5:1-10). Christ's priesthood is superior to Aaron because it is in the order of Melchizedek(Chapter. 7).In fact Hebrews Chapter eight marks a new division  in the epistle. Chapter eight starts with the statement that the old covenant was good but the new covenant Christ established is better. Because He is the great high priest for ever, He sat down on the right hand of the throne of God and His ministers in the true sanctuary of heaven. Earthly Tabernacle was only a type and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary. It was made in the pattern shown to Moses  by God and temporary. But Christ  ministers in the true heavenly sanctuary and His priesthood is eternal. Also He ministers under the new covenant of grace.The main function of the priest was to offer gifts and sacrifices to God for the people. Christ's death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice. Levitical sacrifices and tabernacle were the shadows of heavenly things to come(8:5).So Christ is the mediator of better covenant with better promises(8:6).

From verses 7 to 13 , the author shows the superiority of the new covenant Jesus Christ established through His blood. He argues that if the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no need for a second covenant(7:7). The author quotes Jeremiah 31:31-34 in the next five verses here. A covenant is an agreement between two parties.God in his grace made agreement which man receives. The covenants are the expressions of divine will designed to bring fellowship between God and men.  Old covenant was mediated by Moses between God and Israel. It was perfect, holy, righteous and good. It became faulty because of the failure Israel to obey.So it became invalid. The Lord sent His prophets again and again to renew His covenant with Israel. But they mocked them and despised their words until the wrath of the Lord was aroused against His people, and there was no remedy(2 Chro 36:15,16).Thus the first covenant failed to
accomplish it's purpose because of the weakness man.Prophet Jeremiah foretold about  a new and perfect covenant(31:31-34).

In due time Christ shed His blood to become the guarantee of a better covenant (7:22,Matt 26:27,28). This new covenant is not temporary and provisional, but eternal and effective to forgive our sins and bring fellowship with God. The new covenant mediated by Christ is central to Christian faith. What are the advantages of the new covenant over old covenant?
1.  It was made between God and His Son for the remission of our sins(Luke 22:20.
2.  It was sealed with the blood of Christ rather than the blood of animals(1Cor 11:25).
3.  Christ shed His blood for the forgiveness of sin of the world rather than Israel(John 1:29).
4.  It gives us the privilege to call God as our father(Rom 8:15).
5. Old covenant was written on stones, but new covenant is written in our heart through the ministry of the  Holy Spirit who indwells  in us(8:10; Ezk36:26,27).The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ in us by giving us the knowledge of God and guiding us in all truth((John 16:13-15;1Cor 2:10).
6. New covenant guarantees that God is merciful and  and remember our sins no more(8:12).
    It is not a licence to continue in sin. Our lives should not be characterized  by sin but righteousness,
    Everyone who is truly born of God lives righteously

God is always merciful(Ex 34:6,7). God promised that He will forgive our sins(Is 43:25;Ps 103:12). But it was not possible for the blood of animals to take away sins(Heb 10:4). Christ died to take away of the whole world (John 1:29;Heb 10:14). The new covenant is given not only for the Jews but to all who come to God by the person of Christ. Since Christ established the new covenant. the old covenant is obsolete and ready to be put aside(7:13). Do you enjoy the blessings of the new covenant?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Christ Is The Superior High Priest. Heb 7:1-28

In this chapter the author shows that the priesthood of Christ is superior to the levitical priesthood because it is after the order of Melchizedek. He points out that Melchizedek is an Old Testament type of Christ. Only twice Melchizedek is mentioned in the Old Testament(Gen 14:18-20; Psalm 110:4). In chapter 7:1-3, we see the historical account of Melchizedek.  His name means king of righteousness. He was the king of Jerusalem. So he was a king of righteousness and peace. He was also the priest of the most high God(Gen 14:18).He was without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days , nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God(7:3). There is not any  record of his birth or death in the Scripture to show that he is a type of Christ.

The author establishes the superiority of Melchizedek over the levitical priesthood by the fact that Abraham, the ancestor of Levi paid tithe to him and was blessed by Melchizedek. When Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek, Levi was in turn offering tithe to Melchizedek.  Levi was the descended from Abraham.  Levitical priests were temporary and mortal.  Melchizedek was immortal.  Without any dispute the less is blessed of the better(7: 7,8). Law could not give people complete removal of sin and reconciliation to God. Law and the levitical priesthood are closely connected.  So it became necessary to give way to another priesthood after the order of Melchizedek to forgive sins and bring reconciliation to God.(Heb 7:11,12).

Christ is superior to Aaron because His priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek. Aaron was from the tribe of Levi but Christ came from Judah. Aaron's priesthood was by lineage and not confirmed by oath. It was changeable because of death. So Christ became  High Priest, not by meeting the requirements of law but by the power of life that cannot be destroyed.(7:16). His priesthood is eternal because Christ lives for ever. The Mosaic law was temporary and made nothing perfect, including the levitical priesthood. Whereas Christ lives for ever to make intercession for us. He  gives better hope.

Christ has become the surety of a better covenant. This new covenant is eternal and provides forgiveness of sin to all those who come to God through Christ (7:20-22).  There were many high priests under the old covenant. But Christ stands alone and His priesthood  will never end. Therefore His is able to save completely everyone who comes to God through Him(7:25). Also Christ is our perfect sacrifice and  ideal High priest.  Being perfect, He did not need to offer daily sacrifice for His sins(Lev 4:2,3). But Christ offered Himself  for our sins once on the cross. For He is holy, blameless,  undefiled, separate from sinners and made higher than heavens. He is both our perfect sacrifice and our great High Priest.  Those who trust Christ  are complete in Him(Col 2:10). Do you know Him?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Danger Of Apostasy & The Assurance Of Hope

Hebrews 6:4-8 is a warning passage.  Here the author warns the danger of apostasy. This warning is to be taken in context with other similar warnings of this epistle. This is an epistle of exhortation to those who are in danger of neglecting the great salvation in Christ Jesus. Some think it is a hypothetical case. Others see this passage refers to believers. It is impossible for a true believer to fall from salvation. Salvation is of the Lord and it is an eternal gift. True  believers are not in danger of losing their salvation.Some think the author is addressing the apostates here. Apostates  are the professing Christians. They show every sign of being a Christians but never experienced the life transforming work of Christ.  Like the seeds fell by the way side, upon the stony places and among thorns, they never received Christ as their Lord and Savior(Matt 13:4-7). They were close to salvation but fall short of salvation because of unbelief. They may associate with true believers but they are not real believers(1 John 2:19). There is not such thing as one being saved, then become unsaved, and then saved again.

In Hebrews 6:4-5, five things are mentioned about these apostates. They were once enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, partakers of the Holy Spirit,tasted the good word of God and tasted the powers of the world to come. If they fall away, they can't be renewed again repentance. Because they are nailing the Son of God to the cross again by rejecting Him and holding  Him unto public shame. Christ died once for our sins and it is not to be repeated(9:28).This passage is widely debated among believers. Here we see three important words representing different group of people.WE, in verses 3 and 9. They refer to the author and the Hebrew Christians. YOU, in verse 9, which refers to believers. THOSE  and THEY in verse 4 and 6 which refer to some one other than the first two groups.

They were enlightened people. They had the knowledge of truth concerning Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world. Many people saw His light but chose to live in darkness(John 3:19; 2:23-25). They tasted the heavenly gift namely Jesus Christ(John 3:16).Children of Israel tasted the heavenly gift manna in the wilderness but God was not pleased with them because of their unbelief( 1Cor 10:2-5).Jesus fed 5000 in the wilderness but many of them did not follow Him(John6:66). They were the partakers of Holy Spirit. Jesus taught and did miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit. People were healed and convicted of their sins but did not believed in Him. They sinned against the Holy Spirit(John 12:37). They tasted the good word of God. They heard the word of God but did not benefit them because of their unbelief(Heb 4:2; John 8:48,59). They tasted the powers of the world to come. Jesus taught about heaven, the coming kingdom and the doom of Satan. But Many of them did not believe. They are like ground  that receives rain but bring forth weeds and thorns.What a tragedy to reject untold blessings by living a halfhearted life of unbelief.  Here the author is pointing out apostates, the professing Christians. It is impossible to renew them again to repentance because Christ can't be crucified again and again. But those who believe in Christ their salvation becomes effective for rest of life.

In  verses 9-20 the author is hoping better things of  true believers. They are the beloved ones and persuaded better things of them." God will not forget your labor of love for others".They ministered to the needs of others which is a mark of their love for God(1John 4:20,21). Be diligent and follow the example of those who received the promises through faith and patience. Here author uses Abraham as an example. Abraham waited many years in faith to receive the promise. In his seed all families will be blessed and  is fulfilled in Christ(Gal 3:16). God confirmed His promise with two immutable things. They are the assurance of His promise and His oath(6:17). Our hope of salvation is in Christ and He is the anchor of our soul that reaches heaven. Christ has entered within the veil and He is our High Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. As our forerunner He has entered  heaven and we shall follow Him someday.  Do you have this assurance?. May God help us!!.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Danger Of Not Growing Spiritually. Heb 6:1-4

The author starts the 6th chapter of Hebrews with an exhortation. His readers are urged leave the elementary teachings about Christ and move on to maturity.It is possible that dullness of hearing the Word can lead to spiritual immaturity.Paul warned Timothy that the time will come people will chose only what they want to hear and remain immature in the faith(2 Tim 4:3,4). Basic doctrines are the first principles of the oracles of God and not to be neglected. But Christians should grow into a fuller knowledge of Christ to become mature.  Matured Christians are those who understand the deeper truths about Christ and distinguish truth from error. The elementary teachings falls into three groups. Repentance and faith.  Baptism and laying of hands; Resurrection of the dead and eternal judgement.

Repentance from dead work and faith in God. Dead works are the works unsaved person does to please God to earn salvation(9:14). They have no saving merit before God. Repentance is the radical reorientation of our outlook towards sin and God which results change in behavior.  They turned away from idols to serve the true and living God(1Thess 1:9).Remorse is not repentance. Godly sorrow will produce repentance
(2 Cor 7:8-10). Faith , on the other hand is both trust and obedience to God. It is not more than the belief in the existence and power of God(Jam 2:23-25).Some one said "To believe mind must be convinced, hearts must be consumed with love and will must be committed in obedience". Forcing some one to believe is authoritarianism. Pleading with out explaining could lead to sentimentalism.  Faith comes from hearing and hearing comes from the Word of God(Rom 10:17). This only will help people to accept God's grace revealed in Christ Jesus(John 1:14).

The doctrine of baptisms and laying of hands are the outwards ordinances. The baptisms mentioned here is in plural. These refer to baptismal rites of either Jew or gentiles. They are external in nature and purify only flesh and not conscience(9:13,14). Only saved people should be baptized according to the commandment of Christ(Matt 28:19,20). The laying on of hands was symbol of ordination, recognition and identification
(1 Tim 4:14; 2Tim 1:6). Resurrection of the dead and the eternal judgment are eschatological doctrines revealed in the Old Testament and as well as in the New Testament. The writer warns that these are basic principles and we should advance to a higher knowledge of Christ. Also the writer recognizes that we will do it with the blessings of God.

If we are not growing spiritually, we may be carried away by the errors of false teachers. We are exhorted to grow in the grace and in the knowledge our our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ(2 Pet 3:18). We are saved by grace( Eph 2:8,9). Also we are strengthened by grace(2 Tim 2:1). What ever we are in Christ, it is all because of God's grace(1Cor 15:10). To know Christ we have to study the Bible and make the Bible part of our daily life. It speaks for itself. The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible itself. It shows what is wrong in our lives and corrects us when we go in the wrong direction. The Bible also helps us to do what is right. It prepares and motivates us to serve God(2Tim 3:16-17) Hebrew Christians knew the basic principles of God and not growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Thus they were in danger of carried away by the errors of false teachers. May God help us to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ our great Savior!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Don't Be a Slow Learner. Heb 5:1-14

Jesus Christ is the qualified High Priest. He is also the superior High Priest in that His priesthood is eternal unlike Aaron. Having made purification of our sins by His death, He became our merciful and faithful High Priest for ever(4:15,16). The Old Testament high priests were divinely appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.One of the qualification for the high priest is that he has the capacity to have compassion on those who come to him. He should be able to deal with them gently, understanding their weaknesses. Being human Old Testament high priest had to offer sacrifice for himself as well as for the people.(Lev 16). Christ was divinely appointed to be the High Pries(5:5-6). Here the author quotes Psalm 2:7 and  Psalm 110:4. These references show His sonship and priesthood. As Son He fulfilled Father's will on the cross. He was without sin yet He died once as a sacrifice to take away our sins(9:28)  Some one said that the glory of the risen Savior  finds it's source in the will and purpose of God.  Father planned salvation, Son procured  it and Holy Spirit applies it in those who trust Christ. Christ's priesthood is in the order of Melchizedek who was both a king and a priest(Gen 14:18-20). So Christ is both King and Priest for ever. So Christ's priesthood is indeed superior to the priesthood of Aaron.

In Hebrews 5:7-10, we learn about Christ's agony in the garden of Gethsemane.There He prayed with  tears to the Father who was able to save Him from death. His prayer was answered because of His reverence for God. The answer came, not in the sense that the cup was removed from Him but drinking that cup He would accomplish the saving purpose of God.  He came forth victoriously  by submitting Himself  to Father's will and thus facing the cross fearlessly. Even in the darkest hour Christ provided a timeless example of prayer for us to follow. Thus He learned obedience by the things He suffered. He was never disobedient to the Father. His suffering was a necessary part of His incarnation to relate fully to human conditions so that He could become their compassionate High Priest. Thus having been made perfect,  Christ became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey Him(5:10).Here "Perfect"  means fully qualified. to be the author of our eternal salvation. He is the almighty God at the same time Christ is Son man. He is the creator but He became the man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.  He is the Lord of glory yet He is the lowly Jesus. He is Jesus Christ, our great High Priest. He is able to save us completely because He ever lives to intercede for us(7:25).

In Hebrews 5:11-14, the author fears that his readers are not spiritually grown to understand his teaching.
It might refer to Christ's priesthood in the order of Melchizedek. Though they have been saved long enough, they remain infants in the knowledge of Christ. Here the author warns believer of the danger of not growing in their faith. It can lead to apostasy from Christ. Solid food is only for full-grown believers. Only the matured  Christians have the ability to discern both good and evil. This is a reference to truth from error. It is sad to see many believers remains spiritually infant and in need of constant help.They have no interest in the study of the Scriptures.They are unable to make spiritual discernment between truth and error. Also they are unable to instruct others. They are in danger of drifting from Christ..So let us grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ  (2Pet 3:18). May God help us!!