Monday, July 30, 2012

Christ Is Superior To The Angels.

In the first century Hebrew Christians gave great importance to angels because of their role in the giving of the Law(Act 7:53; Gal 3:19)Some even taught that Christ Himself was an angel, thus able to do miracles. There is evidence in the Scripture that angels were worshiped(Col 2:18). So it became necessary to prove that Christ is superior to angels. From eternity to eternity Christ is the Son of God and Creator of all things including the angels(Col 1:16). They are the heavenly host, serving as messengers and ministering spirits.  In this epistle the author is quoting seven Old Testament passages to prove the superiority of Christ over angels.

1. Christ is superior to angels because He inherited a more excellent name than angels(1:4,5). "Thou art my Son".This is a quotation from Psalm 2:7.Angels are called sons of God collectively but never called Son individually(Job 1:6). Christ has a unique relationship with the Father(John 20:17). The prophecy of Psalm 2:7 was fulfilled in the  resurrection of Christ.(Act 13:32,33). It was a reference of His position at the throne of God, after completing the plan of salvation. He is declared to be the Son of God because He is the eternal Son of God(John 17:5; Rom 1:4).His name is above every name and at His name every name will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the Father(Phi 2:9,10). So He is superior to angels. 

2. Christ is superior to angels because they are commanded to worship Him(1:6). The is a quotation from Psalms 97:7. This seems like a reference to Solomon but his throne was not eternal. But Christ will reign over Israel for ever and His kingdom will never end(Luke 1:32).To Mary, Christ was the first born(Luke 2:7). He is the first born among many brethren(Rom 8:29). This is a reference Christ's supreme position and our conformation to His image. He is the first born from the dead, a reference to Christ's resurrection from the dead(Rev 1:5). The universal acknowledgement of His Lordship and worship will take place at His second coming. Angels are also ministering spirits(Heb 1:7). This is a quotation from Psalm 104:4. There are created beings. Scholars suggest that the word spirit can be translated wind.  Elijah was taken up in the whirlwind(2King 2:1). So are the angels serving the Lord. They served Christ in His temptation and passion(Matt4:11;Luke 22:43).As servants, angels are inferior to Christ who created them.

3. Christ is superior because He is God enthroned and anointed(Heb 1:8,9).This a quotation from Psalm 45:6,7.Here Christ is referred to as God(Greek-theos). To the Son, God the Father says"your throne o God is for ever and ever. This is an undeniable proof of the deity of Christ. Those who deny this emphatic statement has an issue withe God and the Bible. Further here it says, His throne is for ever. This speaks of the eternality and majesty of the Son. He has been anointed with the oil of gladness.This speaks of His kingship. Jesus having completed the work of redemption is enthroned in glory and anointed with the oil of  gladness (Psalm 110:1). Jesus is indeed God, otherwise our faith is meaningless.

4.  Christ is superior because He is the creator(Heb 1:10-12).These verses are quoted from Psalm 102:25-27.Angels are created beings. Christ is the eternal creator.Everything is exposed to decay and will perish but He will not change. He is the same yesterday,today and forever(13:8).Those who believe Christ have eternal life and will be with Him for ever.Yes, the one whom we worship never changes. Blessed be His name!

5.  Christ is superior because He is sovereign(1:13-14). This is a quotation from Psalm 110:1. Angels are only servants. He sits at the right hand of the throne majesty. During His incarnation He was not sitting there. After He completed the work of redemption, He sat at the right hand of God making intercession for us(Rom 8:34).On the cross Christ conquered Satan and He is superior over Satan." Making thine enemies thy footstool," is a  reference to an ancient custom of victorious kings placing their feet on the neck of the defeated kings(Joshua 10:24) This also gives us the picture of the ultimate reign of Christ  soon going to take place. (Rev 11:15). This is the beginning of the end. This is the hope of the world . Angels are ministering at the throne of Christ. They are sent to minister to those who are saved(1:14). They are appointed to minister to us in times of trouble(Psalm 91:11,12). Yes. Christ is the sovereign king. He is our Savior. He is our provider and protector.He will never leave us nor forsake us. Do you know Him? He is indeed superior to angels!!