Monday, July 30, 2012

Christ Is Superior To The Angels.

In the first century Hebrew Christians gave great importance to angels because of their role in the giving of the Law(Act 7:53; Gal 3:19)Some even taught that Christ Himself was an angel, thus able to do miracles. There is evidence in the Scripture that angels were worshiped(Col 2:18). So it became necessary to prove that Christ is superior to angels. From eternity to eternity Christ is the Son of God and Creator of all things including the angels(Col 1:16). They are the heavenly host, serving as messengers and ministering spirits.  In this epistle the author is quoting seven Old Testament passages to prove the superiority of Christ over angels.

1. Christ is superior to angels because He inherited a more excellent name than angels(1:4,5). "Thou art my Son".This is a quotation from Psalm 2:7.Angels are called sons of God collectively but never called Son individually(Job 1:6). Christ has a unique relationship with the Father(John 20:17). The prophecy of Psalm 2:7 was fulfilled in the  resurrection of Christ.(Act 13:32,33). It was a reference of His position at the throne of God, after completing the plan of salvation. He is declared to be the Son of God because He is the eternal Son of God(John 17:5; Rom 1:4).His name is above every name and at His name every name will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the Father(Phi 2:9,10). So He is superior to angels. 

2. Christ is superior to angels because they are commanded to worship Him(1:6). The is a quotation from Psalms 97:7. This seems like a reference to Solomon but his throne was not eternal. But Christ will reign over Israel for ever and His kingdom will never end(Luke 1:32).To Mary, Christ was the first born(Luke 2:7). He is the first born among many brethren(Rom 8:29). This is a reference Christ's supreme position and our conformation to His image. He is the first born from the dead, a reference to Christ's resurrection from the dead(Rev 1:5). The universal acknowledgement of His Lordship and worship will take place at His second coming. Angels are also ministering spirits(Heb 1:7). This is a quotation from Psalm 104:4. There are created beings. Scholars suggest that the word spirit can be translated wind.  Elijah was taken up in the whirlwind(2King 2:1). So are the angels serving the Lord. They served Christ in His temptation and passion(Matt4:11;Luke 22:43).As servants, angels are inferior to Christ who created them.

3. Christ is superior because He is God enthroned and anointed(Heb 1:8,9).This a quotation from Psalm 45:6,7.Here Christ is referred to as God(Greek-theos). To the Son, God the Father says"your throne o God is for ever and ever. This is an undeniable proof of the deity of Christ. Those who deny this emphatic statement has an issue withe God and the Bible. Further here it says, His throne is for ever. This speaks of the eternality and majesty of the Son. He has been anointed with the oil of gladness.This speaks of His kingship. Jesus having completed the work of redemption is enthroned in glory and anointed with the oil of  gladness (Psalm 110:1). Jesus is indeed God, otherwise our faith is meaningless.

4.  Christ is superior because He is the creator(Heb 1:10-12).These verses are quoted from Psalm 102:25-27.Angels are created beings. Christ is the eternal creator.Everything is exposed to decay and will perish but He will not change. He is the same yesterday,today and forever(13:8).Those who believe Christ have eternal life and will be with Him for ever.Yes, the one whom we worship never changes. Blessed be His name!

5.  Christ is superior because He is sovereign(1:13-14). This is a quotation from Psalm 110:1. Angels are only servants. He sits at the right hand of the throne majesty. During His incarnation He was not sitting there. After He completed the work of redemption, He sat at the right hand of God making intercession for us(Rom 8:34).On the cross Christ conquered Satan and He is superior over Satan." Making thine enemies thy footstool," is a  reference to an ancient custom of victorious kings placing their feet on the neck of the defeated kings(Joshua 10:24) This also gives us the picture of the ultimate reign of Christ  soon going to take place. (Rev 11:15). This is the beginning of the end. This is the hope of the world . Angels are ministering at the throne of Christ. They are sent to minister to those who are saved(1:14). They are appointed to minister to us in times of trouble(Psalm 91:11,12). Yes. Christ is the sovereign king. He is our Savior. He is our provider and protector.He will never leave us nor forsake us. Do you know Him? He is indeed superior to angels!!  

Monday, July 23, 2012

Is Jesus Prominent or Pre-imminent?

The theme of the epistle of Hebrew is the superiority of Jesus Christ.People ask many questions about Jesus Christ. Why Jesus had to be born? Why He had to die? Why He had to be resurrected? Why Jesus ascended to heaven? The answer is the book of Hebrews. Some call this book the fifth Gospel. The first four Gospels explain what Christ did on earth. Hebrews describes what Jesus is doing in heaven. Hebrews may be compared to Romans. Romans reveals the necessity of the Gospel. Hebrews explains the superiority of the Christian faith. Christ is superior to Old Testament prophets. Hebrews starts with no self identification of the author or greetings. There is a sense of urgency in the writing of this letter. During the Old Testament  period, God spoke to us in different ways and different times.  God  spoke to us through dreams, visions and prophets over a period of many years(2Sam 23:2; 2Pet 1:21). This revelation was incomplete and fragmentary. Old Testament Prophets were testifying of Christ(Lk 23:26; John 5:39;Rom 1:2).To Moses God appeared in a burning bush( Ex 3:2) To Elijah he spoke in still small voice(1 King 19:12 ).To Isaiah God spoke in a vision(Is 6:8).But in these last days God has spoken to us through His Son(Heb 1:2). It is the final and complete revelation from the Father. The period of last days begins with Christ's incarnation and ends at His second coming(Heb 9:26).  This letter was not written to scare but to encourage the readers.  

First,Christ is superior to O.T Prophets because He is the complete revelation of God. He is the Word that became flesh and lived among us. Disciples saw His glory as the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth( John 1:1,14). Jesus revealed the Father to us(John 1;18). He is the living Word and the Bible is the written Word . It is the once for all given Word for our faith and holy living(Jude 1:3) So we do not need any further revelation today but illumination on the Word of God to know Christ..

Secondly, Christ is superior to prophets because He is future heir of all things.All things belong to God(Ps 24:1). Since Jesus is the Son He is the rightful heir of all things (2:5-9). All believers are also the part of His inheritance(Eph 1:18). He owns us by creation and redemption.  We are joint heirs with Christ and reign with Him side by side one day. May be it is a reference to millennial reign  in the future. 

Thirdly, Christ is superior to prophets because He is the creator of all invisible and visible things(Jn 1:3). Father delegated the creation process to Son. In Him and by Him and for Him all things were created.(Col 1:15-17). He is the sovereign source, the divine agent, and for His glory all things were created.  He is the first cause of creation(Rev 3:14). We live in a universe that belongs to Christ. In creation we see God's power and wisdom. Scripture says "Christ is the power and wisdom of God"(1Cor 1:24).

Fourthly, Christ is superior over prophets because He is the brightness of God's glory.He represent God exactly. Christ is the radiance of the brightness of God's glory. God is clothed with majesty and glory. He revealed His presence through His glory in the Tabernacle(Ex 40:34).Christ has revealed the invisible God (.John 1:18).Peter said that  we are witnesses of His glory.(2 Pet 1:16-18).No angel or prophet could make that claim. Christ is the express image or the imprint of God. Jesus said " I and my Father are one"(John 10:30).He who has seen Christ has seen the Father(John 14:9).Christ is the true God and eternal life(1John 5:20).Great is the mystery of our faith "God was manifest in the flesh"(1 Tim 3:15).

Fifthly,Christ is superior to prophets because He upholds all things by the word of His power. He carries all things into their final destiny. He does control and guide history. You are not your own. He created all things by His word of power for a purpose. (Is 40:26; Jer 32:17).In  Christ all things consist. 

Sixthly, Christ is superior to prophets because He purged our sins by His atoning sacrifice. Man's sin brought curse and corruption into this world(Gen 3:17). Apart from God , creation is meaningless and heading into decay and death. Christ came to redeem us from the bondage of sin. God sent  His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to become a sin offering for us.The one who knew no sin was made sin for us(2 Cor 5:21). Old Testament sacrifices could not remove our sins.  But the blood of Christ cleanses us from all our sins(1 John 1:7). Those who believe Christ are declared righteous today upon the merits of Jesus Christ.

Lastly, Christ is superior to prophets because He is the exalted king and the finisher of our faith. He purged our sins once for all and sat down on the right hand of the majesty in heaven. This is in direct contrast to the old testament priestly ministry. They offer repeated sacrifices for sin and continually standing. There was no chair in the Tabernacle and priest were not allowed to sit there.  Christ died only once to take away our sins.  On the cross He said "It is finished". There is nothing left for Him to do for our salvation. Salvation is a gift from God and just receive it by faith. First He came to take away our sins. He will come again for those who wait for Him. Do you know this great Savior? Are you ready to welcome Him? 

Monday, July 16, 2012

HEBREWS: Introduction.

Purpose:  The theme of this letter is the superiority of Jesus Christ. This is the only epistle that begins with the word "God". It was written to encourage the discouraged and weary Hebrew Christians to hold fast  to their faith in Christ and go on to maturity. There were challenged to see the preeminence of Christ over Judaism (13:22). Jewish Christians were persecuted by Romans and fellow Jews for their faith in Jesus Christ(10:32-34). So the author shows in this epistle the superiority of  Christ and the new covenant over Judaism. Christ is superior in His person, purpose, priesthood, and principle. In this epistle  many Old Testament references are quoted  to assures the Jewish Christians of their spiritual heritage of the new convent into which they have entered. Also by contrasting the old and new convent the author shows the superiority of Christ. As some one said "this is an epistle of encouragement, examination, evaluation, expectation and exaltation".

Authorship: No one knows who wrote Hebrews. The author of this epistle remains anonymous. Some call Hebrews the orphan epistle.Most assumes the authorship to apostle Paul. It seems the author was a Jew and had knowledge of Jewish traditions and Levitical priesthood.  The language and the personal reference to Timothy also may attribute the authorship to Paul(13:23). Some think that Barnabas or Apollos or Luke might have written this epistle. As Origen of Alexandria wrote regarding the authorship of Hebrews that "who the author of the epistle is, only God truly knows. But scholars suggest that there is abundance of evidence from the early church that Hebrews was a part of the biblical canon and quoted widely in the early church fathers. There has been little question throughout the centuries about the canonicity of the epistle of Hebrews.

Date: The epistle of Hebrews was written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Throughout the epistle, it is evident that the Jewish sacrificial system was still going on(8:4; 10:8,11). This epistle was written to a second-generation Christians(2:3).They were severely persecuted under Nero for their faith.(12:4). Temple was still standing when Hebrews was written(10:11). There is a mention of Timothy's recent release(13:23). So it would seem logical to assume that this epistle was written between A D 64 and 68.

Readership:  The earliest manuscript shows that this epistle was written "To Hebrews". They were first century Jewish Christians who were in danger of returning to Judaism to escape persecution.  Judaism was a legal religion and Christianity was not. These readers were confirmed in their faith in Christ by those who heard Christ(2:3). They were not poor.So it seems they were not located in Palestine. The author closes the epistle by stating that "those from Italy greet you"(13:24).It implies that Italians outside of Ital were sending greetings back home. So we conclude that Rome was the destination of this epistle. Another possibility is that Hebrews was written from Rome to scattered Jewish believers in the Roman empire. 

Theme: The theme of Hebrews  is the superiority Christ over Judaism. The word superior or better appears thirteen times in this letter. He is superior in His person, priesthood and principles of faith. He is the qualified or perfect High priest to represent us. He is greater than Aaron the high priest. He is the author of eternal salvation. He is our great high priest and eternal mediator. He is superior is His priestly ministry. Christ is superior in His power. His kingdom is unshakable. He is our great Shepherd. He is the same yesterday, today and for ever. Hebrews shows the finality of God's revelation for our salvation and Christian life. Do you know this great Savior. As we continue this study , may the Holy Spirit strengthen us to run the race that is set before us(12:1).May God bless you all!