Monday, May 28, 2012

"There they crucified Him"

John's Gospel chapter nineteen gives the account of Jesus's trial before Pilot, crucifixion and the burial. From the human stand point this trial was the greatest crime, tragedy and the mockery of Roman law. But from divine stand point it was the fulfillment of the scripture(Act 2:23). Pilot orders Jesus to be flogged, beaten and insulted. The soldiers tortured and forced the crown of throne on His head.  Pilot presented Jesus before Jews saying that 'behold the man". He hoped that Jews would accept this cruel punishment and spare Jesus from execution. But they chanted "crucify  him, crucify him". Jews were so settled in their conviction but were dreadfully wrong.  Pilot again declared Jesus innocent. Pilot would have stood for his conviction. Pilot asked Jesus" where are you from". But Jesus gave no answer. So Pilot  to Him " to me you don't speak?". Jesus replied "you have mo authority over me unless it had been given from above".  Here we see the truth that earthly ruler can only act when God permits. According to the Roman law Jesus was innocent. But the Jews appealed to the law and said that Jesus is guilty of death since he claimed that He is the Son of God. They said if you let go Jesus, you are not a friend of Caesars and Pilot would be guilty of treason against Rome. So Pilot became more fearful  and their fury frustrated  Pilot to the point that he was willing to compromise his conviction and please the people. His wife also told him to do nothing with this innocent man. Pilot was fearful, confused and spiritually blind. Finally Pilot handed Jesus over to Jews to be crucified. What a tortured situation, knowing the right thing and not able to do it because of fear!

Jesus who was weak, beaten and miserable was made to carry His cross by the soldiers. They crucified Jesus between two thieves at Golgotha. Pilot posted a sign over  the cross that reads "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." The chief  priest demanded that title be changed.  Pilot refused his demand  and said "what i have written, I have written". Each soldier took one garment but they cast lot for the inner garment because it was seamless and woven in one piece from top to bottom. Thus the scripture was fulfilled(Ps 22:18). Thus Christ is now left hanging naked before the angry mob on the cross. There were some women, including His mother standing near the cross. Though women considered as weak were to look weak before the cross. When Jesus saw His mother, He told John to take care of His mother. Christ example teaches that everyone has a responsibility to take care of his parents. Jesus knew that everything was now fulfilled and said"I am thirsty". He hung on the cross, wounded, burning,swollen up, dehydrated  and bearing the sin for us. This is the only time Jesus spoke of His suffering and also to fulfill the prophecy(Ps 22:15).No one knows suffering more than Jesus and He is there to help us when we need it. He became thirsty and died to quench our spiritual thirst.

When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said"it is finished" and gave up His Spirit.That was the greatest announcement of victory ever spoken. The long night of His suffering is over. He finished the task the Father has given to Him(John 17:4).His death was no accident.Jesus died according to the scripture.  He gave His life as a ransom  for our salvation. By His death He  has redeemed us from the bondage of sin, Satan and death( Eph 1:7). He death satisfied the righteous demands of God(Rom 3:25). He died in our place and the greatest exchange ever happened. (2 cor 5:21). When soldiers came to Jesus, they did not  break His legs because Jesus was already dead. One of the soldiers took a spear and pierced His side. These happened  so that the scripture might be fulfilled( Ps 34:20; Zech 12:10). Even the wicked soldiers were involved in fulfilling the plan of God in the death Jesus. Do you know this Savior who loved  and died for you?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Jesus Said"I came to bring truth to the world"

In the 18th chapter of John's Gospel we see the account of the arrest,denials of Peter and the trials of Jesus Christ. After the high priestly prayer of Jesus, He took His  eleven disciples to the garden of Gethsemane. Judas came there with large number of soldiers to arrest Jesus. What an irony that they came there with torches to arrest the one who is the light of the world. Judas approached Christ with a kiss and it did not surprise Jesus because He was aware of Judas's plan. Jesus came forward and said"whom do you seek"? They said "Jesus of Nazareth". Jesus said "I am he" and thus stated His deity(John 8:58).At this statement those who came to arrest Jesus fell to the ground. Again Jesus asked them whom they seek?.Before they could arrest Jesus, He requested them to let go the disciples. Even in the crucial hour, His concern was not for Himself, but for the disciples. What a Savior!  At this point Peter tried to defend Jesus with a sword and cut off the ear of Malchus. Jesus rebuked Peter and healed the servant. Peter misunderstood how to express his devotion to Christ. Jesus did not need Peter's protection(Matt 26:52-54). He willingly accepted the cup the Father has given to Him. This cup refers to the agony and suffering He endured on the cross. Do you know this Jesus who loved you and gave Himself for you as your Savior?

The temple guards took Jesus to Annas for the preliminary examination. He was the father-in-law of Caiaphas the high priest. Annas had great influence over the Sanhedrin. Caiaphas had already drawn a conclusion about Jesus that it is expedient that one man should die for the people. It was an illegal trial.  Jesus was tried by Annas who was not a high priest. Secondly His trial took place at night. Thirdly Jesus was beaten before he was charged.Fourthly false witnesses were hired to testify against Christ. Jesus went through  three stages of Jewish trials and three Roman trials. He was falsely accused of subversion, opposing paying taxes to Caesar and claiming that He is the king. Jews Sanhedrin considered Jesus guilty but could not legally pass the death sentence on Him. Jews used the method of stoning to execute the criminals So they took Jesus to Roman Governor Pilot. Pilot asks the formal accusation for bringing Jesus before him. Jews had none. Jews wanted  Pilot to pass death sentence on Jesus. So Jesus would be crucified as He predicted( Matt 20:17-19).Pilot asked Jesus"are you the king of Jews?" Jesus said that his kingdom is not political but spiritual(Rom 14:17). He was born to be king. He is the eternal king, the king of kings. Pilot met Jesus and was impressed, but not changed. Many people see Jesus as a good man,humanitarian, promoter of love and teacher of  golden rule. But they miss the opportunity to know Him as their Savior and Lord. He came to bear witness to the truth. Pilot asked Jesus "what is truth?". Pilot failed to understand  that the truth is the reality of God and was standing before him(John 14:6). Although He declared Jesus innocent but feared the angry Jewish leaders. Yet he tried the customary method at Passover to release one prisoner to spare Jesus. But the crowd asked for a robber rather then their king. Pilot tried to place the responsibility of Christ's death on Jews.. But it must be remembered that each person is responsible for his action to Jesus.

In this chapter we read about Peter's denial of Jesus. It was predicted by Jesus(John 13:36-38). Peter was ready to lay down his life for Christ, yet he failed.Is it possible that we could do what Peter did? He was standing with those who arrested his Master( John 18:18). Peter followed Jesus at a distance(Matt 26:58).
Peter sitting among the enemies of Jesus( Lk 22:55). Peter denied Jesus before a servant girl, people and Malchus relative.A mixture of fear, anger and insecurity contributed to Peter's failure.  We are not immune from denying Jesus either. We deny Jesus when we are silent about Him and fail to identify with Him. We also deny Him when our life style  is conformed to the world and do not manifest the transforming work of Christ in our lives(Matt 5:16). Do we attract or repel other to Christ by our attitude and action? Peter remembered the words of the Lord and repented. He went out and wept bitterly. He confessed his sin and the Lord restored him back.  Peter received mercy and grace in times of need. Will you come to Jesus who wants to restore you and use you for His glory?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth!

John's Gospel chapter 17 is our Lord's high priestly prayer. Here Jesus was praying for His disciples.  He began and ended the last supper with unity of disciples on His mind. Jesus prayed for Himself,  for the immediate disciples and the future disciples or the entire church(1-5; 6-19; 20-26). Though Christians are born  again by the blood of Jesus Christ, we have different taste and personalities. Christian unity is not uniformity. Our unity is based on what Christ has done for us. Christ wants us to have that essential unity.  It is an organic unity and comes as a result of shared life. We are commanded to give diligence to this existing unity produced and maintained by the Holy Spirit. When we live in peace with God and with one another we can enjoy this unity together.

Jesus was in constant communion with His Father(Mark 1:35). He taught the disciples to pray on an intimate and personal term as "Our Father". Jewish rabbis used to teach their followers to pray but never addressed God in personal term.Jesus lifted up His eyes and prayed. He knew that the hour of crisis had come. He prayed reviewing Father's eternal plan for humanity to find salvation.  The hour that Christ referred to was not only the hour of His death, but also His resurrection and exaltation. Knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ whom God  has sent is eternal life. Christ came to glorify the Father by doing Father's will. He viewed His atoning death as having been completed.  Christ had been given all authority to give eternal life to those who believe in Him. Christ set aside the glory once Had with the Father to save us. Now He prays for the return of that glory.

Jesus knew that His disciples are the treasured gift from the Father and the fruit of His labor(Jn 6:37; 17:6). Christ revealed the Father to them. They accepted His word and believed that Christ came from God. Jesus was confident  of their salvation. Jesus prayed for the protection of the disciples from the wicked one. They are in the world and not of this world. The world system is under Satan and so powerful. While Christ was on earth, He protected them and none of them perish except  Judas by his own  choice. It was a fulfillment of divine prophecy(Ps 41:9). Christ was about to leave the earth and disciples are prone to Satan's deception. There is an unseen warfare going on between God and Satan. Satan is clever, subtle and powerful in his strategies. We are no match for Satan(Rev 12:10,11). He starts enticing us with friendship with the world system. Then we will be corrupted by this world.Then we start loving the world. This will conform us to this world. Finally we will be condemned with the world. Satan can sift us like wheat, but  Christ our high priest intercedes for us(Lk 22:31).Jesus prayed that His joy would fill  His disciples. The world hates them because they believed His word. Jesus did not want the disciples taken out of the world but His purpose would be fulfilled in their lives.

Jesus also prayed for the sanctification of the disciples through His word. This was to make then spiritually healthy and set them apart for His service. To make them vessels fit for His service(2 Tim 2:20,21). He commissioned us to become His witnesses. Christ is our example in commitment and sacrifice for serving God in this world. The process of becoming spiritually healthy is through His Word. This the incorruptible word of truth that accomplishes it purpose(1 Pet 1:23; Is 55:11). Jesus also prayed for the unity of the entire church. It is a purposeful unity whereby the world may see His glory and believe in Him. Also the world would see God's love revealed  through the believers.Jesus wanted that disciples should share His glory and love. He prayed for Himself, for His disciples and for the entire church. He wants us to make Him known to this lost and dying world. To declare God's name is to declare His love.  Is it possible? Scripture says, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us(Eph 3:20). May His name be glorified!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jesus Said "In Me You May Have Peace"

In John's Gospel chapter 16, Jesus warned the Disciples about the persecution they would face in this world. Christ never promised a trouble free christian life. He said "in this world you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart , I have overcome the world".The world would hate, isolate,reject and even kill us, thinking that they are serving God. Christ wanted that the disciples should be informed and prepared for the trials of their faith. Jesus never promised a trouble free,healthy, wealthy and happy Gospel. Christ promised the disciples His peace as part of His blessings. The world can promise peace but can't  deliver it. Only Jesus can deliver the peace because He has overcome the world.

The disciples were sad that Christ was going away. He told them that it was necessary for Him to go so that the Holy Spirit would come.They were not ready spiritually to understand all that Christ wanted to tell them.  The Holy Spirit arrival would convict the world  in three areas. He would convict the world concerning sin by warning about the danger of  not believing in Christ. The ultimate sin we commit is not believing in Christ(16:9).  Without the Holy Spirit, people would never understand the danger of refusing to believe Christ as their Savior.  Conviction of sin often leads to repentance and regeneration.  Secondly the Holy Spirit  convicts the world of righteousness.The World rejected and crucified the righteous one. Jesus Christ. He is the only one who is perfect.  His resurrection and ascension are  the proof that He pleased the Father and accepted by Him(Rom 1:4).The Holy Spirit brings in us a hunger for righteousness that could lead us into repentance and faith in Christ. Thirdly the Holy Spirit will convict the world of the final judgment that comes on those who reject Christ. Satan the ruler of this world is already judged at the cross and his fate is sealed. Those who reject Christ will end with Satan on the final day of judgment(Rev 20:11-15). The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God and the transformed life of Christians to convict the world of it's sin. But people can resist the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. It would be a huge mistake to down play the goodness of God(Rom 2:4).Jesus also promised that,"When the Holy Spirit of truth comes, He will guide believers into all  truth. This promise has it's immediate fulfillment in the writing the New Testament(2 Tim 3:16). Spirit bears witness to our spirit that we are the children of God(Rom 8:16).  The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Scripture and glorifies Christ in us. Only by the Holy Spirit we can understand  the awesome and praiseworthy attributes of Jesus Christ.

The disciples were confused when Jesus said He would go away very soon and return again. He was referring to His death, the coming of the Holy Spirit  and His final return(Jn 14:3) They would weep over His death but the world will rejoice. But their sorrow will turn to joy at his resurrection. It would be like the pain at the child birth. Since Christ has returned to the Father their prayer should be made in the name of the Son. Now they  pray to God based on the merits of the finished work of Christ and His supreme position The Father will answer our prayers because we are His treasured love gift to His Son. The ultimate purpose of prayer is the glory of God  and the blessing of believers. Only Jesus can give us peace because he overcame the world. The disciple now understood that Christ was speaking to them openly and believed that He came from God.  Jesus told them that they will leave Him alone. Yet the Father is with Him. Jesus Comforted the disciples by promising His peace as they encounter trouble in this hostile world. May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with Christ and His peace!!