In the John's Gospel the writer gives the witness of John the Baptist about Jesus Christ."Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world"(John 1:29). John was sent to bear witness of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the light of the world(John 8:12). John testified that Jesus is the preeminent one, He existed in eternity He is the lamb of God, He is the fullness of God and out of Him we have received grace upon grace or blessings after blessings.. The John gives a sharp contrast between Law and Grace. The Law was given by Moses,The Law reveals man's sinfulness but is powerless to transform us(Gal 3:24).Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. Grace is God's undeserving favor to forgive our sins.The truth is that it is possible only through the sacrifice of Christ. God is Spirit and can't be seen by man(1Tim 6:16).But Christ has revealed the heart of God to mankind. God appeared in human form in the Old Testament in the garden of Eden, to Abraham and Jacob. But they were only temporary appearances. Christ is the begotten Son and He distinguishes Him from other sons(John 1:12).
Because of sin, man was isolated from God and helpless. All through the Old Testament God reminded them that the divine help is coming. In the fullness of time that help came through Christ(Gal 4:4).He took humanity so that He could be with us forever. It was entirely of grace that Christ came to save us (Titus 2:11). The sinless one came to die for the guilty. As our substitute He took our sin and given us His righteousness. Our best work was not good enough. It is His righteousness from beginning to end. Whom He declared righteous are not kept on probation now. Our knowledge and zeal wouldn't make us righteous(Rom 10:2). He came to taste death for us(Heb 2:9).Bible says that He is able to lead many sons to glory. He also destroyed the power of devil by His death and resurrection..He is able to deliver us from the fear of death. This is the unbelievable transaction story. As some one said" the Son of God became Son of man to make us sons of God. By descending to the earth He has prepared us to ascend to heaven. By taking our mortality He has imparted to us His immortality. By experiencing our weaknesses He has strengthened us by His power. By receiving our poverty He has made us spiritually rich.By taking our sins upon Him He has clothed us with His righteousness". What a Savior!!
Jesus Christ was testified by many individuals in the first chapter of John's gospel. They include John the Baptist, Andres, Peter, Philip and Nathanael. John testified of Jesus that He is the lamb of God who takes away the Sin of the world(John 1:29,36).Christ is the fulfillment of Old Testament sacrifices. Only Christ can take away the sin of the world. Two of John's disciples followed Jesus. They wanted to know Him personally and to have close fellowship with Him. Andrew told his brother Simon that they found the Messiah. Jesus personally called Philip to follow Him.Philip witnessed to Nathanael. Their lives were radically changed and they became witnesses of Christ. They all became their brothers keepers. Their message was come and see the one who saved us. Witnessing is one beggar telling another beggar where he found the bread(2 King 7:3-11).Man was in need of a Lamb that takes away the Sin of the world.That need started with individual, family,nation, and ends with the world. Jesus met that need on the Cross. That is the good news this world need to hear and we should proclaim.
Why we should witness Christ? Because He is the Savior of the world and it was His dying request.(MK 16:15). The plan of salvation includes it(Rom 10:9).The open sacrifice of Christ demands an open witness. The Lord of the harvest expect it(Act 1:8).The day of judgement requires it(Matt 10:32). The examples in the scripture demands it(John 9:25).We can become witnesses of Christ by godly living, by open confession of faith in Christ, including baptism. By our association with believers( Matt 5:16, Act 8:36-38;Rom10:9,10;Heb 10:25). May God help us.
Because of sin, man was isolated from God and helpless. All through the Old Testament God reminded them that the divine help is coming. In the fullness of time that help came through Christ(Gal 4:4).He took humanity so that He could be with us forever. It was entirely of grace that Christ came to save us (Titus 2:11). The sinless one came to die for the guilty. As our substitute He took our sin and given us His righteousness. Our best work was not good enough. It is His righteousness from beginning to end. Whom He declared righteous are not kept on probation now. Our knowledge and zeal wouldn't make us righteous(Rom 10:2). He came to taste death for us(Heb 2:9).Bible says that He is able to lead many sons to glory. He also destroyed the power of devil by His death and resurrection..He is able to deliver us from the fear of death. This is the unbelievable transaction story. As some one said" the Son of God became Son of man to make us sons of God. By descending to the earth He has prepared us to ascend to heaven. By taking our mortality He has imparted to us His immortality. By experiencing our weaknesses He has strengthened us by His power. By receiving our poverty He has made us spiritually rich.By taking our sins upon Him He has clothed us with His righteousness". What a Savior!!
Jesus Christ was testified by many individuals in the first chapter of John's gospel. They include John the Baptist, Andres, Peter, Philip and Nathanael. John testified of Jesus that He is the lamb of God who takes away the Sin of the world(John 1:29,36).Christ is the fulfillment of Old Testament sacrifices. Only Christ can take away the sin of the world. Two of John's disciples followed Jesus. They wanted to know Him personally and to have close fellowship with Him. Andrew told his brother Simon that they found the Messiah. Jesus personally called Philip to follow Him.Philip witnessed to Nathanael. Their lives were radically changed and they became witnesses of Christ. They all became their brothers keepers. Their message was come and see the one who saved us. Witnessing is one beggar telling another beggar where he found the bread(2 King 7:3-11).Man was in need of a Lamb that takes away the Sin of the world.That need started with individual, family,nation, and ends with the world. Jesus met that need on the Cross. That is the good news this world need to hear and we should proclaim.
Why we should witness Christ? Because He is the Savior of the world and it was His dying request.(MK 16:15). The plan of salvation includes it(Rom 10:9).The open sacrifice of Christ demands an open witness. The Lord of the harvest expect it(Act 1:8).The day of judgement requires it(Matt 10:32). The examples in the scripture demands it(John 9:25).We can become witnesses of Christ by godly living, by open confession of faith in Christ, including baptism. By our association with believers( Matt 5:16, Act 8:36-38;Rom10:9,10;Heb 10:25). May God help us.