John begins his Gospel with the statements to prove the deity of Jesus Christ. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God(Jn 1:1). Thus John begins his Gospel in the eternity past and shows that Jesus is the Son of God. Unlike Matthew and Luke Gospels we don't see the genealogy of Jesus in this Gospel because God has no genealogy. Christ's incarnation is a mystery (1Tim 3:16).Mary conceived Jesus of the Holy Spirit(Matt 1:20).It was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy( Is 7:14). The incarnation of Christ is a very important Christian Doctrine. Though His conception was supernatural His birth was natural. Thus the eternal Being invaded the planet to redeem us. He had to come because we could not save ourselves from sin.
In the genealogy of Jesus and the early account of His early life we see many profound truths about God's love and His mercy. Matthews gives as the legal genealogy of Jesus to prove that He is the promised Messiah. On the other hand Luke gives His natural genealogy. There are some women with questionable back ground mentioned in the genealogy of Christ. That was not a customary practice in the Jewish genealogy. By doing that God has shown that He is the God of mercy and grace. Thus He removed all the man made barriers in the plan of salvation.. He is the God who wants to save Jews and gentiles, male and female,good and bad . Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost in their sins.. In the Messianic line there was a curse pronounced upon king Jeconiah that his descendant shall never reign in the throne of David(Jer 22:24-30). Since Jesus was supernaturally conceived and came through the line of Mary this curse did not affect Him.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem according to prophecy(Mic 5:2). It happened in the fullness of time(Gal 4:4). There was spiritual and mental awakening among people during that time. Greek culture and language became universal. Yet there was a spiritual vacuum among people. The philosophers and reformers couldn't fill that vacuum. It was also politically important time. Roman empire was in its prime time. Roman law brought law and order in the society and their roads linked people every where. During the reign of Roman Caesar Augustus Jesus was born.Since Augustus ordered that census to be taken Joseph and Mary had to come to Bethlehem since they were descendants of king David of Bethlehem. Thus the prophecy of Micah 5:2 which was made some 700 years before was fulfilled. In all these things we see how precisely God was controlling the history for the coming of the Savior. Christ's birth was not an accident but a divine appointment.
Jesus was born in a manger wrapped in swaddling cloth(Lk 2:7). This perhaps shows that He was born to die. We are all born to live but Christ came to give His life a ransom for many(Mark 10:45) There was no room for the creator of the universe to born. He came to His own and His own received Him not. On the cross He laid His on His shoulder. His body was placed in a borrowed tomb. Once Jesus said"foxed have holes, birds have nests but the Son of man has no place to lay His head." He wants to be born in our hearts. He still waiting for you to welcome Him.
Many were the participants in the birth of Jesus. King Herod, Mary, Angels,Zechariah,Elisabeth,shepherds, Simeon and prophetess Anna and wise men were some of them. They all have a message to proclaim about their Savior. We also must have message to tell to the world.
Mary was willing to receive her unexpected gift from God. She never questioned God's gift. She was willing to obey God in faith.She was not sinless nor understood why she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Mary magnified the Lord in worshipful song. She acknowledged in her song that God was mindful, mighty and merciful towards her.She saw Jesus as her Savior and rejoiced in Him.(Lk 1:46-56).Zechariah praised God for His purpose and plan of the salvation revealed through the prophets of old. He saw that Messiah would bring redemption and salvation. God's unchanging covenant with Abraham was fulfilled in Jesus Christ(Gal 3:8).Angel brought the good news about the birth the Savior of the world(Lk 2:10). Fearful shepherds received the massage of joy, peace and hope.They responded unconditionally and did not wait to see Jesus. They were diligent in seeking Jesus and proclaiming the good news about Him. They glorified God. Simeon was an old saint waiting for the coming of the Messiah.Further more Holy Spirit promised him that he will not die before he sees the Savior of the world. He saw in baby Jesus the prepared and promised salvation for the whole world( Lk 2:29-32).Ann was an old prophetess waiting for the coming of Messiah. She served the Lord in her old age with out giving up. She Saw Jesus and thanked the Lord. She was diligent in sharing about the Savior. Wise men came from the east to worship the king of the Jews who was born. When they saw Jesus they rejoiced with great joy. They worshiped Jesus with gold, frankincense and myrrh recognizing His deity(Matt 2:10,11). Worship is an expression of gratitude and joy. No one can worship God in vacuum. May the Lord help us love and serve Him in the coming days.
In the genealogy of Jesus and the early account of His early life we see many profound truths about God's love and His mercy. Matthews gives as the legal genealogy of Jesus to prove that He is the promised Messiah. On the other hand Luke gives His natural genealogy. There are some women with questionable back ground mentioned in the genealogy of Christ. That was not a customary practice in the Jewish genealogy. By doing that God has shown that He is the God of mercy and grace. Thus He removed all the man made barriers in the plan of salvation.. He is the God who wants to save Jews and gentiles, male and female,good and bad . Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost in their sins.. In the Messianic line there was a curse pronounced upon king Jeconiah that his descendant shall never reign in the throne of David(Jer 22:24-30). Since Jesus was supernaturally conceived and came through the line of Mary this curse did not affect Him.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem according to prophecy(Mic 5:2). It happened in the fullness of time(Gal 4:4). There was spiritual and mental awakening among people during that time. Greek culture and language became universal. Yet there was a spiritual vacuum among people. The philosophers and reformers couldn't fill that vacuum. It was also politically important time. Roman empire was in its prime time. Roman law brought law and order in the society and their roads linked people every where. During the reign of Roman Caesar Augustus Jesus was born.Since Augustus ordered that census to be taken Joseph and Mary had to come to Bethlehem since they were descendants of king David of Bethlehem. Thus the prophecy of Micah 5:2 which was made some 700 years before was fulfilled. In all these things we see how precisely God was controlling the history for the coming of the Savior. Christ's birth was not an accident but a divine appointment.
Jesus was born in a manger wrapped in swaddling cloth(Lk 2:7). This perhaps shows that He was born to die. We are all born to live but Christ came to give His life a ransom for many(Mark 10:45) There was no room for the creator of the universe to born. He came to His own and His own received Him not. On the cross He laid His on His shoulder. His body was placed in a borrowed tomb. Once Jesus said"foxed have holes, birds have nests but the Son of man has no place to lay His head." He wants to be born in our hearts. He still waiting for you to welcome Him.
Many were the participants in the birth of Jesus. King Herod, Mary, Angels,Zechariah,Elisabeth,shepherds, Simeon and prophetess Anna and wise men were some of them. They all have a message to proclaim about their Savior. We also must have message to tell to the world.
Mary was willing to receive her unexpected gift from God. She never questioned God's gift. She was willing to obey God in faith.She was not sinless nor understood why she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Mary magnified the Lord in worshipful song. She acknowledged in her song that God was mindful, mighty and merciful towards her.She saw Jesus as her Savior and rejoiced in Him.(Lk 1:46-56).Zechariah praised God for His purpose and plan of the salvation revealed through the prophets of old. He saw that Messiah would bring redemption and salvation. God's unchanging covenant with Abraham was fulfilled in Jesus Christ(Gal 3:8).Angel brought the good news about the birth the Savior of the world(Lk 2:10). Fearful shepherds received the massage of joy, peace and hope.They responded unconditionally and did not wait to see Jesus. They were diligent in seeking Jesus and proclaiming the good news about Him. They glorified God. Simeon was an old saint waiting for the coming of the Messiah.Further more Holy Spirit promised him that he will not die before he sees the Savior of the world. He saw in baby Jesus the prepared and promised salvation for the whole world( Lk 2:29-32).Ann was an old prophetess waiting for the coming of Messiah. She served the Lord in her old age with out giving up. She Saw Jesus and thanked the Lord. She was diligent in sharing about the Savior. Wise men came from the east to worship the king of the Jews who was born. When they saw Jesus they rejoiced with great joy. They worshiped Jesus with gold, frankincense and myrrh recognizing His deity(Matt 2:10,11). Worship is an expression of gratitude and joy. No one can worship God in vacuum. May the Lord help us love and serve Him in the coming days.