John begins his Gospel in eternity past. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word (LOGOS) was with God and the Word was God( John 1:1) John uses the Greek word LOGOS here for the Word.LOGOS has many meanings. It means a thought or idea communicated to another. LOGOS is the source of wisdom and power. Paul wrote that in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge(Col 2:3). Philosophers suggest that LOGOS is first cause, the unknown intelligence or reason behind the universe. It is the creative power( Ps 33:6).John testifies that this WORD was the person of Jesus Christ, the expression of God's thoughts to mankind (John 1:14). He is eternally equally and essentially God.
In the beginning was the Word. This shows Christ's preexistence. When time began the WORD was already there. Christ is eternal Word, the revelation of God to mankind. Eternity is the duration without beginning or ending, present without past or future, youth without infancy or old age, life without birth or death, and today without yesterday or tomorrow. Jesus claimed"before Abraham was I am"(John 8:58). He was with the Father before the world began(John 17:5).His throne is for ever and ever(Heb 1:8,9)..Christ is the begotten Son of God. Early Christians accepted Jesus as the Son of God. He was with the Father alone neither made nor created but begotten.
The deity of Christ is the fundamental Christian doctrine.We may differ on the fine points on prophecy and practices. But if we differ on the deity of Christ we are not saved at all. His name designates that He is the Savior(Is 43:3).Jesus means Savior(Matt 1:21).He is the anointed Savior promised in the Old Testament (Dan 9:26).He is the only begotten God who was in the bosom of the Father(John 1:18).Thomas said of Jesus"My Lord and My God(John "(20:28).Jesus claimed God as His Father and coequal with God(John 5:18). That was equal to blasphemy and deserved capital punishment..Because of that Jews sought to kill Jesus.
He is called Lord in the New Testament some 250 times.He is the Lord of Glory.He is the Holy one(Act 3:14).Jesus claimed that He possessed the attributes of God Himself.(Matt 16:17).He was unique in His moral perfections. His works were Godlike works. Even a casual reader of the New Testament will accept this truth. He is the creator and preserver of this universe(Jn 1:3;Heb 1:2,3).He directs and Controls the course of history.He has the power to forgive sins(Mk 2:5). He has power to raise the dead(John 11:25). He has the power to judge the living and the dead(John 5:22).So He deserves the equal honor with the Father(John 5:23).
Yes indeed Jesus is more than a teacher and humanitarian.To know Jesus is to know God(John 8:19).To see Him is to see God(John 12:45). To receive Jesus is to receive God(Mk 9:37). To honor Jesus is to honor God(John 5:23).May God help us!!
In the beginning was the Word. This shows Christ's preexistence. When time began the WORD was already there. Christ is eternal Word, the revelation of God to mankind. Eternity is the duration without beginning or ending, present without past or future, youth without infancy or old age, life without birth or death, and today without yesterday or tomorrow. Jesus claimed"before Abraham was I am"(John 8:58). He was with the Father before the world began(John 17:5).His throne is for ever and ever(Heb 1:8,9)..Christ is the begotten Son of God. Early Christians accepted Jesus as the Son of God. He was with the Father alone neither made nor created but begotten.
The deity of Christ is the fundamental Christian doctrine.We may differ on the fine points on prophecy and practices. But if we differ on the deity of Christ we are not saved at all. His name designates that He is the Savior(Is 43:3).Jesus means Savior(Matt 1:21).He is the anointed Savior promised in the Old Testament (Dan 9:26).He is the only begotten God who was in the bosom of the Father(John 1:18).Thomas said of Jesus"My Lord and My God(John "(20:28).Jesus claimed God as His Father and coequal with God(John 5:18). That was equal to blasphemy and deserved capital punishment..Because of that Jews sought to kill Jesus.
He is called Lord in the New Testament some 250 times.He is the Lord of Glory.He is the Holy one(Act 3:14).Jesus claimed that He possessed the attributes of God Himself.(Matt 16:17).He was unique in His moral perfections. His works were Godlike works. Even a casual reader of the New Testament will accept this truth. He is the creator and preserver of this universe(Jn 1:3;Heb 1:2,3).He directs and Controls the course of history.He has the power to forgive sins(Mk 2:5). He has power to raise the dead(John 11:25). He has the power to judge the living and the dead(John 5:22).So He deserves the equal honor with the Father(John 5:23).
Yes indeed Jesus is more than a teacher and humanitarian.To know Jesus is to know God(John 8:19).To see Him is to see God(John 12:45). To receive Jesus is to receive God(Mk 9:37). To honor Jesus is to honor God(John 5:23).May God help us!!